14 | FOURTEEN | 십사

179 9 2


Sitting on my knees, in front of Hae-Ri I sighed, "Ri, if you won't tell me, then there's no way I'll know" I stared at her who didn't utter a single word, knowing she wasn't going to tell me a thing, I nodded, patting her knees, and stood up, thinking of getting something to eat.

"Yoongi-" I looked at her, tears streaming down her face, confused, I sat back down, wiping her tears, now her situation worrying me too much, "Don't go" resting her forehead over mine, I softly kissed her lips.

"Where would I go?" caressing her cheeks lovingly I tried to assure her, "Shh, you're safe, I won't let you go" embracing her I assured more tears leaving her, as she held me strongly.

"Y-Yoongi, Tae is so mean t-to her-" hiccups left her as she tried to talk and I held her closer, my heart thumping loudly in my chest, wolf restless as she tried to speak, "S-so mean, she must be hurting"

"I know"

"She saw s-something-" furrowing my eyebrows I parted a bit from her, now looking at her, "I don't know what she s-saw, but she was horrified, a-and, Akari Unnie w-was scared too-" she tried to speak it all at once.

"Okay baby I need you to calm down, and tell me what happened"

Nodding she breathed deeply, trying to get hold of herself, "We were j-just talking about her room, and then they both looked at each other, it was all n-normal-" she hiccupped, pausing for a min as I caressed her arm comfortingly, "Then Erin fell to her knees, she w-was shaking, mumbling weird s-stuff, I didn't understand, Akari U-Unnie didn't respond either, a-and I don't know, why, but I w-was scared-"

"It's okay, you're okay now" I tried to assure before continuing "Do you remember anything she said?" I asked wiping her newly spilled tears, thinking a bit she looked at me, her hands capturing mine, seeking comfort.

"Something like Nef! Nefarious, she mumbled it a lot" she leaned on me, tired and I sighed against her, confused out of my wits, letting her rest, I caressed her arms lovingly, pressing soft kisses over her neck as she snuggled close to me, my mind still over her words.

Nefarious! now what the hell is this?


Shivers ran down my spine, at the unexpected run she made, her body clashing against Jimin's, as he blocked her way, his arms going around her shoulders and waist, turning and pulling her against him, as she struggled against him, her grip against his arms vicious, scraping his skin, and I found myself at loss of words.

"Leave Me!" she screamed "Let me go!" Jimin winced at her voice, shaking in his arms, she sobbed, "Let m-me go!" covering her face she wept, losing breath for a while, before losing consciousness.

Laying her over the bed and covering her with a light duvet, Jimin sighed, his palm resting over forehead, "She's got high fever" he looked at me, and I sighed, massaging my forehead, "Hyung, please" rolling my eyes, I looked back at him.

"I swear-" I paused not wanting to curse, "Jimin you're not going to listen to me no matter what I say right?" he smiled cheekily at me, I shook my head, as he slowly placed his hand over her chest, eyes closed before his hands, traced the extract position of her heart.

The low melodious murmuring of his chants began, as he started to heal her, I watch him his veins lighting up, slowly travelling over her skin, the healing processing, as she visibly relaxed, stiffness of her body decreasing, shuddering breaths now deep.

And then his murmuring stopped, eyes wide open, white glassed orbs gazing at me, sweat breaking out over his skin "What's wrong?" I asked his orbs returning to their original color as he stares at her, "Jimin, you're okay right?" I pressed.

"Hyung, something is rejecting my powers" unsure of his own words, he let out "She's weaker than before"

"You mean-"

"Yeah Hyung, its exactly what you're thinking" he let out sternly, "Just what the hell is going on!" he exclaimed and I sighed, tired out of my wits, well done, this was the shit I needed

Dialing the number, he waited for the call to be received, "What!" the loud gruff voice replied, urging the man for maintaining distance between his ear and phone, for his own well  being as the receiver continued to curse at him.

"Stop being such an animal" he spoke, placing the phone over his well organized table, "I've got some things I need you to investigate over" the receiver scoffed clearly not pleased.

"First of all, I'm not your girlfriend who you can call whenever you please, I was in the middle of an really important shit-the receiver gritted, making the man smile, "Second of all didn't I tell you last time, I won't fucking do shit for you"

"I heard you loud and clear however, I only remember things which are profitable to me" the man chuckled knowing he's pissing the receiver successfully again, "Now I hope it all get's done in time" pausing he grinned "And unless you were fucking someone, there really is no need to be this cranky"

"Fucking piece of shit-"



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