20 | TWENTY | 이십

185 9 5


I heard Erin sigh for hundredth time, as she sat in front of the mirror, brushing her hair mindlessly, eyes out of focus, as her thoughts ran miles, abandoning the heavy duvets over bed, still wondering why she needs this many comforters, I decided to get done with this.

"Slow down for a while maybe-" hogging the brush off, I murmured, she flinched at the words, and I smiled weakly at her response, slowly brushing her dark locks, "No need to worry so much, it's going to be fine" I assured knowing her uneasiness.

She nodded reluctantly, and I couldn't help but feel a bit down at the cruelty of fate, braiding her locks, I thought of the things that have been going on, without much of her knowledge, the past few days of my existence in her space hasn't made her any more uncomfortable.

My heart swell with pride, as I got the chance of meeting her, and was somehow had chance of taking care of her, the fact that she and I were under the same roof, breathing same air, left me overjoyed and gratified "It's a bit overwhelming I understand your discomfort-"

Straightening her dress I spoke, as I knew of her thoughts, knew her fear, and was no less, nervous myself, it's going to be a day to remember anyway, and thou I've been informed, and I've been trying to keep her in her best position, I and Alpha's are well informed of her mental health, "Even thou it's unfair to you, and will hurt forever, I promise to be here for you, so don't be scared, Erin"

She looked at me with no expression, and I knew that she wasn't bothered by my words, and thou her humanity is over the brink, it's still wounded and pained, she who's betrayed by everyone, won't care for sincerity, not with the flourishing pain so deep within.

Done with her dressing, I asked her to come with me, and I saw the hesitation, leaving the safe heaven after almost a month and half, could be more horrifying than one could think, "Do you feel cold all the time?" I asked her, abruptly remembering the heavy comforters, she shrugged, and I decided to think of it later.

I noticed her slow and lights steps right beside me, staring at the people running around, with fascination, like a child coming to the town for the first time, and I slowed my pace on purpose, "They look a bit different, because supernatural realm is filled with different blood backgrounds, it affects their looks heavily" she nodded and I smiled at her cuteness.

"This place is called Ring Habituation, most of the high-ranking officials live here with the Alpha's and their family" I informed as we walked pass the common room, "Almost five hundred omegas work here, having things under check, one of the reasons, this place is never quiet." she watched them with glint of sadness, as they laughed and carried on with their work, sighing and regretting my actions of bringing her through this passage, I tried to divert her mind.

"There's a lot for you to know about let's move ahead" we walked past almost half of the place before entering the open grounds, "The supernatural society runs with a lot of similarities with the human society" I began as she watched several fully grown wolves run past us, her eyes wide and heart rate going at a crazed speed.

"The highest in command is Alpha of course, then Beta, and Gamma, now these two are same in rank, the difference, is Beta's work under the king, while Gamma's works under the Queen" I try to deliver all of the information as easily as possible.

"With seven kings we have seven Beta's and six Gamma's considering the kings share a mate-" skipping the information about her mates I went ahead "With proper work process, one should be around you too, but you're not crowned yet, so it could be delayed" I let out awkwardly not informing her, about how her Gamma has gone under Risa.

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