9 | NINE | 구

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"I can ensure your life to be hell" he whispered, tears cascaded down my cheeks, as he smiled, his beautiful smile, sinister, caressing my cheek he chuckled, "You're pretty" I gasped as he leaned in, his grip over my jaw painful, "So pretty, all bruised, I might break you beautifully, making sure that the artistry of agony is evident over your being"

"I'll ensure that" flinching at the way he pulled me, I felt my entire world turn, head throbbing again, holding my head, I opened my eyes, only now noticing them, along with unknown faces.

My gaze halting over her, all the events crashing over me, just by looking at her, dark orbs, looking at me, in an unreadable expression, feeling the ground shaking, I closed my eyes trying to not faint, blinking, I raised my arm still a bit unsure of her presence.

"You-you-" I hissed in pain, my steps unsteady "What-What the hell, did you feed me?" I rasped out, my throat burning, vision blurring with an unknown melody in my head, anger slowly bubbling within me.

Taking a step closer to her, my vision a bit red, blinking I felt my body burning up, fiery warmth spreading all over me, I looked at her, my trust now broken, beyond repair "What did I ever do to you?" I snapped, anger slowly taking over my head, her eyes filled with tears as she covered her mouth with her hands. "Why are you crying? You certainly don't deserve to"

"Abducting me! Holding me captive! Separating me from my family! Trying to kill me! Just what the hell do you all want from me?" screaming I collapsed over the floor, my heart beats erratic, as I tried to catch my breath, sobs leaving me.

Strange creatures! They're all so strange, with no idea of their intentions, trying is useless, without an idea of the depth, stepping in could be fatal, for them killing me isn't something hard, they're Monsters, monsters! I once heard stories of, are not fiction anymore.

Looking at them I did knew that, I shouldn't have forgotten the truth, that believing and hoping, resulted in nothing but misery.


I watched her carefully wrapping bandages around, Erin's wrists, her actions, forced, and I knew the reason, knew her situation, blonde locks, hovered over her eyes, acting as a barrier between us, and I felt irritated, knowing it was going to get hard to explain, all this.

Erin on the other hand, kept on glaring at her, her jaws clenched, as she didn't move an inch, after her sudden outburst, we were all a bit more cautious of her, I looked back at Tae Hyung, his silence, dangerous, as he kept his eyes over Areum Noona, her eyes a bit red, as she sniffed, with Joon Hyung comforting her.

I knew well how things were going to be more and more tangled, the last thing Hyung needs to feel is, that his family is threatened in any way, and Areum noona's tears were, nothing good to the wolves residing within, for them world is all black and white.

"I've injected antidote to her, however, she still needs rest, exhausting her body will lead to nothing but major issues" I looked at her as she spoke, and I knew she purposely ignored me and Tae Hyung, "I'm not sure about her, fever, it's coming and going, if it stays longer than twenty-four hours then do inform me" after ensuring she's done whatever was to be done, she looked back at others, "I'll take my leave now" bowing she turned around to leave.


"Not now, Alpha Jungkook"

"You don't have to call me that"

"Is that so?" she looked back at me, oceanic orbs glaring at me, "It certainly doesn't seem like that" walking away she spat, her words, sharp as she's without a doubt is pissed at us, sighing I watched her leave, knowing well we have to explain all this to her.

"You're nothing but a burden" I looked back at Tae Hyung who finally decided to talk, claret orbs shining, his sanity buried six feet under at the moment, "We hate you, hate you so damn much!" he gritted out.

He didn't want to involve others further, wanted to keep them out of our mess, and before we could think through it, this happened, I understood his frustration, I knew his anger and I couldn't help but hate her too, couldn't stop my wolf.

"Acting like this won't help you" Joon Hyung interjected, his words making her chuckle, followed by her coughing, before she looked at us.

"What will help then? You tell me what will help me?" staring at him she asked, "Listening to you people will help me?" glaring at Areum noona she smiled, "You almost killed me, was that helping me?" her words made Areum noona wince.

"You people are cruel, so damn cruel-" coughing she paused, "Just why! none of you are using your brain, who believes in prophecy and nonsense?" she cried out, frustration evident in her voice, "Let me go, stop this already!" sobbing she let out.

He stared at her silently before a dangerous smile made its place over his face, "I love how you're talking back to me, breaking you is promising pleasure" he growled, his wolf surfacing, she stared at him in horror.

"Why are you all doing this to me?"

She sobbed clearly scared out of her wits, "Oh didn't I tell you? It's simple who will want someone like you?"

"My family, did!" deafening silence followed her words, as we were stunned, drowning into realizations, that we snatched her away from people who did cared for her, and my wolf whimpered at her anger, knowing the right in between all.

"Are you sure about that?" Tae Hyung smirked, crouching in front of her, he leaned in, his arm snaking around her trembling figure, dark chocolaty orbs peering back at him in absolute terror, "Because I can prove, that they for sure were the first ones, to not want you" tears streamed down her cheeks at his words, as she bit her lips.

"Did you already forget your origins?" he smirked at her, as she tensed with his words her, eyes drowned into unknown abyss of darkness, "Keeping a stray, doesn't erase's its origins" threading his fingers through her dark locks, he jerked her closer, his wolf in complete control, her bandaged palm, gripping over his.

"Your reality is pathetic, so damn pathetic, that no luxury could mask its ugliness." he spat at her, a pained gasp leaving her, with his strengthening grip, "You want to run? Then run, want to hide? Then hide, but remember I'm always right behind, and when you'd think you've escaped, I'll be there to crush all your hopes, I'll break you beyond repair"

"Taehyung!" Jin Hyung growled, knowing well that Hyung lost his consciousness to the beast within, the poisonous words of the Lycan king made her tremble, his hatred murderous, for someone like her.

"No need to worry I won't kill her-" he smiled at me, his smile hiding the hellfire, "After all our bond has eternity to be broken" he smiled sweetly her, cold sweat breaking over her pale skin, as she shook, in terror.

"Now, let's see how long will it take before you break"



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