18 | EIGHTEEN | 십팔

171 8 2


I observe her, dark orbs trying to avoid us, slight bobbing of her throat, indicating her nervousness, teeth's chewing over soft lips, heartbeats fast, bandaged fingers tugging at the fabric, stubbornly trying to cover up the wounds, legs tapping at the floor irritatingly, as she stood awkwardly in front of us.

I turn around focusing on Mika Noona, "She didn't recover completely?", I wondered, knowing well that humans heal slowly, but judging from the time passed, it's bit too slow.

Sighing Noona, shrugged "She doesn't stop, I'm so done with this", cursing under her breath she informed, eyes stern over, Erin who cowered away hearing us, "She keeps on doing it, and it's getting harder to know, when or where she does it" I looked back at her.

Noticing the way her shoulders tense, aware of my gaze, hands readjusting the dress, over her figure, uncomfortable of my gaze, desire slowly build within me, as I bask in her beauty, eyes sharp over every dip of the clothing, a hunger of ravishing her coming to life, over the way her legs are exposed to my eyes, slightly thick, light skin teasing me, willing to be marked in a million ways.

And I almost groan, as I can picture her under me, begging to be fed with that desire, only her mates are capable of feeding, I jolt at the word 'mate', aware of the threat she was, and hurt fills me as I remember how she's all mine, and isn't.

As she could break everything, I've built myself out of, and without even noticing I let out a threatening growl, startling her bad, enough to make her lose composure, and fall over the hard flooring, with a painful yelp.

I feel my legs working on their own, as they move towards her, halting after few steps, anger rushing through me at the sight of several cuts over her arm, healed but fresh, insides of her ankle painted in red, I snarl at her as she tries to cover her wounds.

Kneeling in front of her, I grab her arm forcefully pulling her shaking frame towards me, examining the cuts, as she squirms under my gaze, eyes closed, chest heaving up and down, I gulp at our proximity, her scent embracing me.

Her lashes resting over cheeks, light freckles scattered around the small nose, with those lips under constant torture of her teeth, my gaze fixating, over the light mole, sitting proudly at the lining of her lower lip, the desire playing with my senses, as I almost picturize the mole teasing me, blinking twice I try to focus on her, "What are you planning now?", I ask sternly.

She whimpers, but doesn't answer, annoyed of the situation, I pull her a bit too harshly, causing her to let out a painful scream, eyes wide, as a thick patch of red appear over the bandages.

My senses alarmed at the thought of my mate being hurt, white fibers drowning in red, "You, idiot you did it again!" Mika Noona almost yells, irritation evident in her voice, and I stare at her, still in a haze, she whimpers, shaking, tears escaping her eyes, her fear travelling over my skin like thorns.

I release her, my hands losing strength, at the thought of being the cause, of her hurt, she backs away trying to create distance between us, causing my heart to hurt, Jimin Hyung steps ahead, causing her to visibly flinch, as she tries to hide her injured hand, eyes wide as she looks fanatically around the room, arm hidden behind her back, trembling in fear.

And despite the thick atmosphere he reaches her, she whimpers at their proximity, smiling softly at her, he kneels in front of her, his eyes reassuring a million things to her, letting her unconsciously lower her guard at him, and I find myself at loss of words, as I watch him promise unknown things to her without wording anything.

His hands steadily reaching her, her eyes teary, hands softly caressing her arms, distracting her as he examines her, and I watch astonished at his powers, as he easily calms her down, "Why are you so silent Today?" she doesn't respond, eyes glued to the ground, he sighs at her behavior.

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