7 | SEVEN |칠

287 12 3


Feeling frustrated, I gripped hard over the steering, knuckles of my hands all white, "You don't have anything to say? You're all smoking weed or what?" staring at the rear-view mirror I let out.

"Just figured out, humans don't die easily, what a pain in ass"

"Are you for real? -"

Hearing the loud ringing, of Joon's phone I stopped "Hello-" he paused abruptly "Calm down Areum, it's okay, no! nothing will happen to her-" reaching the destination, we all started to undo our seatbelts, Joon being the first one, as he continued to talk "We're right here, yeah I'm here, don't be scared I'm coming" sprinting through the hallways he assured.

Nearing the room, I saw her, "Areum!" Joon rushed over closer to her, who shook, her cries silent and yet pretty clear, servings of our enhanced hearing, feeling pity on her I looked at him who, tried to calm her down.

Feeling my eyes on him, he looked back at me, nodding at him, silently gesturing for him to take her out I mentally cursed at them, for creating such mess, still uncertain he didn't move, till Hobi assured him.

Giving in he slowly walked away, fussing over her, watching his figure disappearing in the silent hallways, I took a deep breath prepared for the harder part.


We're done!

Deafening silence, engulfed my being as I stepped in, my own heartbeats, being the only sounds clear to me, in all chaos, the oceanic fragrance, igniting a fire with, before I could literally taste the rustic, odor of iron, my eyes growing twice its size at the scene.

Jin Hyung's fingers resting over her wrists, as he glared at his wrist watch, a sigh of relief leaving him, as he stood up, "Pick her up" he instructed to me, confused I stared back at him blankly. "Jeon Jungkook, I swear, I'm going to kill you, pick her up" he almost yelled making me flinch, looking around for Joon Hyung, I slowly inched closer to her, who laid over the cold floor, "Could you be any slower? What are you waiting for? Christmas?"

"Just do it, we're in no position to argue" Jimin Hyung sighed clearly frustrated, as he walked out of the room, agreeing I sat closer to her, shifting my weight over knees, carefully placing my arms around her neck and knees, slowly pulling her towards myself, sparks spreading all over my skin, as her scent engulfed me.

Ignoring the sparks and securing her in my arms I stood up, her hairs falling backwards exposing her face, with her face inches close to me, I gulped, her slightly tan skin tainted in red, as blood oozed out of her nose and lips.

Tears cascaded down her skin, her breathing almost non-existent, as she coughed more blood out, panic rushing through me at the sight, "What are you doing come fast" nodding I rushed behind them.

"Lay her here" he instructed, as we reached our common room, nodding I slowly placed her over the couch, pained whimpers leaving her, at the slightest movement, "Don't move, sit by her side" I looked at him in horror, before he continued, "Just do as I say" he pressed, before walking away.

Sighing I looked back at her, her heartbeats slow and pained, noticing her tears, I felt my heart ache, "Here-" I looked back at Hobi Hyung, who kneeled beside her, slowly wiping the blood off her face, "Blood stains are hard to get rid of" he mumbled, his words implying a lot, as he continued.

Her familiar scent slowly approached us, making me wonder the reason of her sudden appearance, blonde hairs bounced around her, as she stepped in, looking around the room, she bowed.

 "Where's my patient?" She asked smiling softly, before Hobi Hyung waved at her, understanding, she slowly walked towards us, her brows furrowed, at me sitting so closely to her, and I knew she wanted to ask a lot, however chose to stay silent.

She carefully examined her, noting whatever she felt important, "What poison was it again?" she asked, her eyes fixed over the empty syringe, as she carefully traced her skin, looking for the vein.

"Thallium" Yoongi Hyung mumbled, making her nod, as she injected the syringe her actions all professional.

"Antidote is available, I'll order it, till then we have to stop it from spreading in her, blood" draining the dark thick substance, she informed, "This doesn't look good" she sighed, eyeing the syringe.

"What's wrong?"

"The color of her blood had a deeper shade, to it, which means it has reached to the blood stream-" she paused her fingers again over her wrists, as she stared at her watch, "And it's spreading pretty fast" moving fast she pulled out another syringe filled with dark liquid, "Well then let's try this" she muttered to herself, as she injected the dark substance to her.

"What was that?"

"Thallium is pretty strong, to keep it under control, until we don't get the antidote, I've added another poison, it won't help too much but for the time being it'll help." she explained, already packing her stuff, "Ah! it'll be good if you can find her mate, and get him for physical healing, that'll help, keeping her stable" She added.

"Physical healing!" I let out, her movements coming to halt as she looked at me in confusion before, continuing and rushing towards me, her hands around me, as she hugged me, my hands automatically embracing her.

"She'll be fine, don't worry kookie, she just needs her mate, and it'll be all good" she whispered to me, parting and smiling at me, "I'll come back tomorrow, tell Tae I miss him okay." patting my shoulder one last time, she walked out, leaving me in a daze.

"Physical healing! Is that necessary?" I whisper yelled, my head full of questions,

"Certainly" I heard Jin Hyung, as he walked closer to her, "Unless you want her to die due to organ failure" caressing her forehead he explained, "Bond is slow but at least she won't die in sleep, because of it"

"That means she'll be with us now"

"We have a problem then"

"Would shooting you solve this problem? No? Then fucking deal with it"

"Jin Hyung calm down"

"Do I get extra points if I act like I care?"

"Somebody is cranky"

"Yoongi Hyung can you not?"

"Somebody needs to shut up"

"I can't deal with them anymore" giving up Hobi Hyung walked out, leaving me all confused and frustrated, in between the eldest two just wouldn't stop.

"And yes, I would like a Venti latte with ten shots of expresso"

"For fucks sake, just do cocaine" Sighing I too walked out, wanting to get some fresh air, thinking-

What a plot twist she is. 



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