10 | TEN | 십

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"Shh, I know it's scary-" Tae whispered to her, his voice sickly gentle and she trembled in fear, not understanding his game, "What you don't understand is potential danger, isn't it?" leaning in he asked, her breathing scattered at his proximity, "I know you can take it" flinching at his fingers which wiped her tears off, she looked at him in confusion, of course she doesn't know his tricks.

No one does anyway.

He's the sadistic Lycan, there's so much love in him that the world might light up with it, his wolf however is a sadistic bastard, with a hard head, everything he does, he does it with a strong sense of exigency, as if his life is on line.

Love or hate, he's been passionate towards both, quenching the inner beasts' thirst to its fullest.

His words paradox, they seem true in absurd way and are all lies, white lies, he's playing with her sanity, and might leave her all crazy, not capable of doing any harm, not that she seems capable of any.

"Enough Tae you've done more than necessary already" I tried to end this torturous event already, before things go out of hand for anyone.

"I have a very nice way of reminding her, what she's forgetting" I looked at him bewildered, not catching up to his words, my eyes over him who grabbed the girl by her already injured wrists, dragging her with him, with Jin Hyung right behind him yelling.

Perplexed by the situation I looked at Ha-Neul, as she stood by my side, her arms folded as she thought through the situation, before looking at me, and sighing, "I know, this will get really annoying" Walking closer to Areum, she patted her shoulder comfortingly, "Don't worry, you're not at fault" smiling weakly at me she completed.

"Some kids are just born with tragedy in their blood"

Watching them leave, I found my heart beating erratically, goosebumps erupting all over my skin, as now I did understand his words, and did understood, that Taehyung was determined to break her, and he's already on his way for the first attack.


Standing beside me she stared wide eyed at the building in front of us, her fingers, unconsciously tugging over the bandages, wrapped securely over her tattered, bruised skin, devastation painted over her features even in her silence.

"Don't tell me she's going to stand like that till the morning"

"How about you master a bit more patience for situations like this"

"I tolerate six dorks almost twenty-four hours a day, for three sixty-five days a year, a man needs to be frustrated once in a while, just in case he loses his mind completely"

"Sure, whatever sails your boat" he completed, his eyes fixed over the restaurant, his features a bit tensed, as we knew how this was a bad idea to begin with, and I for one knew it was a bit too unnecessary too, killing her would've been the best way to end all possibilities of break in their bond.

With that out of the window, even I for once thought, maybe they should try, if not, then they should let the girl on her own, this was not what I thought we'll be doing, this right here is mental torture, and that won't do shit.

"No!" she let out, her voice wavering in uncertainty, "They're looking for me"

"I couldn't care any less" Jungkook let out almost bored, "You can prove us wrong, you just have to walk in" he shrugged, she looked back at the lavish restaurant, still hesitating.

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