2 | TWO | 이

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Blood red orbs peered at my soul, my heart skipping beats, air knocked out of my lungs, as they burned, aching, eyes locked with which possibly meant nothing, and everything all at once, I let out a blood curling muffled scream.

My body started protesting, trying to find any possible way to escape this, whatever this was, escape him, mind constantly passing incoherent and messy orders, hands and legs all moving on their own accord, with constant fear lurking around.

I right now need no explanation, logical or illogical, all I need is to go back, back to the family I need so desperately, comfort of mother who always lulled me back, to the peaceful corners of the world, Dad who is incapable of stitching back, the ripped open wounds.

But it couldn't be better if he isn't around, the constant bickering of the siblings, a constant nuisance, but that's what meant comfort, something I'm craving for.

"No need to exhaust yourself, you're not leaving" he spoke eyes fixed over the papers in hands, his words making me halt, eyes now staring blankly at him, as he looked back at me lazily, shrugging as he abandoned the documents.

"You can't leave not any soon, anyway-" he leaned in now looking directly in my eyes, "How cruel, that fate has been twisted this way-" he smiled almost apologetically "Why you're here, why we're here, all of it is useless, it's of no use anymore, once you're diagnosed with it, there's no point in looking for why and what, all that matters is-" he paused "How and when"

"You're here because you're tied to us in ways, I'm not really bothering to dwell too much over" staring at his watch he said, "Though a bit is important, I'm letting you know that much" Tears cascaded down my face, as he continued, "Taehyung and Jungkook are in love with each other, they're MATES" I almost chocked up, as my throat burned, he out stretched his hand, his actions startling me.

Fan's ship idols together, anticipating something which probably is nothing but lies, knowing the truth hidden behind the curtains, I can't help but feel disgustingly pathetic, can't help but hate myself for being curious for such trivial stuff, hated that my curiosity is cured this way.

"Thought it might be suffocating" he mumbled as he untied the cloth, gasping, with the cloth finally out of the way, I lowered my head stabilizing my breath, squeezing my eyes shut, letting tears slide down my cheeks, as my skin sting, I signed.

"What-What does-" I spoke my voice horse and broken, "What does it have-have, to do with me? Why am I trapped in here?" I gulped.

"It has everything to do with you, you're just short on information-" his dragon like eyes shone as he removed the glasses, "Soulmates are no joke for us, and they're soulmates, things are a bit too much complicated than necessary with your existence" I took a sharp breath at his statement, what does he mean?

"That's not the answer to my question-question"

He sighed, checking his watch before he looked back at me, "We're no humans and thus everyday a million things which won't make sense to you happen in our life-" he leaned closer "However, this will make sense in a few-"

"It doesn't really matter what race you're of, you always have soulmate, in past some had more than one, and some had none-" his words slowly settled to me, igniting my anxiety.

"Humans are the only ones who play around this much, most of us, wait all our lives for that one person" he massaged his ear a satisfied look taking over his features, "Tae and Jungkook, both found each other years before they understood their bond, and have been together, ever since, their love is beyond anyone's reach-" he paused his gaze hard over me, making me more confused than ever.

"It wasn't too long ago when they found they're part of triads, simply phasing, they have one more mate, they were overjoyed, happy, everything-" I winded feeling short on air, as his gaze hardened, "However"

"Their mate is break of triad-" he gritted out his voice octaves lower as he stood up, orbs shining similar to ruby, his hands over my tied ones, as he leaned closer, "Someone who's going to rip them apart, and guess who is their break?" my hands shook at his words.

I stared at him wide eyed, heartbeats loud in my head, as my life ran through my consciousness, dreams, things I wished for, family, their smiles itched with mine, was all slipping away. "You can't leave, because we have to ensure the prophecy is fatal" I stared at him in disbelief, these men who once lit up my world, were now desperately trying to make it, as cold and dark, as the night without the stars.

Each and every fibre of my being boiling in anger, "Who the hell-hell you think you are? deciding what should happen in-in my life, you can't keep me trapped here, just because of some-some stupid prophecy, let me go!" I roared in anger, stubbornly struggling against the restraints.

"I don't need you to tell me, what I should do, and what I shouldn't, if you're a threat to the one's I love-" he spat "Then I'll decide for you too." turning around he left, leaving me trapped all alone, raging in sheer anger.

"WAIT! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GOING, LET ME GO!" I pushed myself further, my skin burning "LET ME GO!"

"SOMEONE HELP ME!! PLEASE HELP ME!!" I screamed with my everything, scratching my throat, with the pitch of my voice, furious loud yells laced with venom for the people I once loved with all my heart.

I screamed for the sake of my life, which was being brutally snatched away from me, if it was nothing, jerking my hands and legs violently to free myself, tears cascaded down my cheeks, as loud sobs echoed throughout the cold dark room, as I wept in agony, mourning for the life I once had.

"Why did I even found you, when you too were going to betray me like others?"



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