25 | TWENTY FIVE | 이십오

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Alright my dear Cherries, get ready to be brain wreaked ;)


"How did you met your mate then?" my focus faded into thin air as the girl besides me starts talking about her mate, or whatever they like to call it, my eyes following the way her lips move, in sync with her hands as she talks, and I don't hear her voice that speaks.

And an I don't understand how it's been over a week already, how I'm out of their clutches, my days a bit brighter and lighter here, with Sung-ho, he and his stories covering up my most of time, rest drowning with the girls living within habituation.

My existence still not completely believing, my days in that cold room within indefinite silence, was a story of a long-gone time, month of solitude a memory, my days going by, in the company of these people, and their stories about anything and everything.

I press my memory trying to remember their names, or why they're here, or anything in general, but it seems like my consciousness is too lost into something unknown to pay attention, and still at the end of hours of them talking, and me just listening, or zoning out, they smile bidding their goodbyes, and leave, coming back with a stronger determination of making me.


It surprised me how they knew I wasn't born mute, rather just chose silence, amaze me the way they work hard, and harder every day to make me speak, or the way Sung-Ho puts it, that they're trying to educate me, if that's what's required, and that they have all the time in world to get me back with talking, and I doubt it.

Do I really have time? time to be carefree, or be relaxed, with them not being here it's scarier by every second, the possibilities of every nonsensical thought, killing me within, and with the days going by, I found myself more and more unable to speak.

As it wasn't about me not willing to speak, more about who was willing to listen? If I spoke about, my confused and clueless self, who doesn't know where to go from here, or have no idea, about who to walk towards at this point, my dreams aspirations, all disappeared over night with me being left with nothing.

It's painful for me to accept this cluelessness, I'm stuck in, and I'm losing my will every day, things around me doesn't affect me anymore, I do wish to see myself again, wish to come across those bright eyes again, which once looked at me with life.

There were millions of words stuck, clawing at my throat, wanting to be let out, unsaid, as I wept over what's gone, left with the thoughts of why did I ever came across them? Why when those monsters in my dream broke me, I woke up to them, woke up looking for the same eyes, which filled horror to my bones and still fell asleep to the touch of.

My last encounter, last memory of them, beautiful, and yet that memory did nothing to the gaping emptiness within, why were they not here yet? Happy to get rid of me? or there's worse to this, letting me get well, to break me again, fear such a complicated feeling.

"Erin! Erin!" my mind comes back to the room we've been sitting, the women beside me, staring into my eyes with a known expression, smiling softly at me, she let out "You tired little one?"

Looking away I try to gulp the knot forming in my throat, her voice sweet, making me a bit embarrassed, patting my head affectionately, she stood up gesturing me to come along, agreeing I stood up, following her like a lost puppy, the giant and majestic architecture always confusing me.

A guard right on our trail, following behind, the Ajumoni going on about the historical references of the architecture, her words filled with pride and admiration, "My family looked over the Alpha's for generations, I still remember the laughter of the children in these hallways" her words reminding me of the Alpha's who I didn't met yet, men who seemed pretty generous.

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