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Looking at the familiar faces again, trying to make sense of their presence here, I felt helpless, faces I've endlessly cheered for, people who were the cause of my happiness.

I stared at them and noticed how they seemed different, different than what I've seen before, more handsome, no doubt,  but in the moment those faces, didn't emit the familiar warmth, innocence, it was gone leaving nothing but emptiness.

It felt so weird that the people I wanted to meet insanely, were now in front of me, and my heart didn't bloomed with warmth, rather sting with fear, longer they stayed, staring into my eyes, in deafening silence, the fire within got more and more air, and I have no idea about what I'm so scared of, but with the realization of my state, I shook in fear.

 Hands and legs tied to the chair I sat at, the cloth around my mouth, vicious enough, leaving the rough taste behind; shaking violently, struggling against the restraints, trying to free myself I tried to think straight.

Panicking won't help, calm down, don't panic! don't panic!

After failing several times, I looked around, face damp from the tears, meeting familiar eyes again, silent pleas leaving me, my pride hurting, though right now all that mattered was, to get out of this place, and all I can think of is how I could do so, my pride isn't something to care of, I'm in danger and they're capable of helping me, and are for sure not even thinking to do so.

I didn't knew how long this went on, but one thing is sure, that my idols are not what they seemed to me.

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