13 | THIRTEEN | 십삼

188 8 2


"It happened a bit more ahead of time-" sighing I let out, "And no matter what, I couldn't be prepared enough, it always takes me by surprise"

"That still isn't, enough of a reason" she scoffed, clearly unimpressed, "I couldn't ignore the way you're making fun of me" leaning backwards I almost let out a growl, however this isn't going anywhere.

"Informing you, was something that had to be done despite the situation, and I do apologize for it" looking at her I confessed, wishing to convince her, who wasn't even sparing me a glance, "We had no intension of hiding any of this, but it all got a bit too tangled up"

"I'm not dejected because you didn't tell me, I'm dejected cause informing me was the last thing on your mind, that shows my importance" she gritted out, before I could argue, she continued, "I'm no toy to use Alpha, I'm very well aware of my worth" glaring at me, she stood up, "My pride and Honor stands above any affection, and I wouldn't allow it to be tainted so easily"

Startled by her tone, I stared at her, her iced orbs peering through me, heavenly beauty hiding, hideous demons within "My mother didn't raise a fool, a psychotic bitch, but not a fool" I chuckled as she left.

"She didn't raise a fool? Who knows that, better than me? Risa what a woman you are."


Eyeing the unknown place, I sat over the comfy bed, finally sparing my aching limbs to relax a bit, "This room is for your use, hope it suits you" Hae-Ri talked of the stuff placed around the pretty extravagant room, not really paying much attention to her words I tried to think of things in a straight manner.

To begin with I have no idea of my location, and in this situation going out is not an option, watching Hae-Ri speak of the balcony I walked closer to her, now looking at the serene view of the vast land in front of us, all covered in dark dense trees, paths leading to the darkness, all lost in dense greenery.

"Most of the warriors, track deep in the woods-" shivers ran down my spine, as she spoke, "Those woods are filled with dangerous, dark creatures, so unless, one is trained well, going there means-" her smile flattened "Death"

"Take that as a warning, you won't like to be someone's food, would you?" I glanced back at Akari as she shrugged, her words, piercing me similar to arrows, looking back at the woods, I sighed, that isn't an option, then.

She cocked an eyebrow at me, noticing her dark orbs, I felt a pang of hurt in me, the depth of darkness in her eyes, seemed endless, similar to the cold moonless, dark nights, with dense deadly storms, within, harbouring, screams of innocent.

Her sword went past the flesh of the child, his cries loud, clicking her tongue, she smiled the cold aura darkening, tears cascaded down my face, as I watched her mercilessly behead the innocent child, blood painting her body, as she laughed sinisterly.

Losing composure, I fell to my knees, my hands trembling in fear, as I watched the once alive child, drowned in his own blood, 'How shameful, for the mighty to fall like this' the monster of a man laughed, his grip over my neck strong, 'it's to remember the fall of-'

Backing out from the hands reaching out to me, refusing the touch of their being, my eyes still not leaving her who stood in front of me frozen, my head ached as I lost my knowledge of what's real and what isn't.

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