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Taehyung felt breathless, utterly suffocated, his chest constricted as he watched, his body frozen by the bizarre view playing out in front of him, he had seen the same situation a million times before, seen the war, its aftermath, bloodshed, agony, resentment, all of it, yet it never seemed this bizarre, his limbs seem to be paralyzed as he was terrified, baffled by the woman, he had seen light in, who now stood as a stranger with not an ounce of life within.

Bewildered by her changed outlook, and her actions his body refused to move, lost he watched the familiar yet the strange woman, those lustrous locks of hers drenched, dripping thick crimson, over her deathly pale skin, as she stood in front of the knights, her back facing the alpha's, their eyes fixed at the death dressed as a person, as she took slow steady steps forward, she reminds me of the gone, the Alpha remembered.

The flames licked up her arm, as she stood tall, not wavering, snowy locks stained crimson dancing in air, the wind howling, ground beneath shaking as if ready to rip itself apart, as she stared down at the men, the raven flames beautiful, captivating, and in a blink of an eye, the knights all burned, lured by the fury of the inferno, they didn't even let a single cry out, as if lost, the humane figure visible through the raging flames, as the flesh burned, the silent wails of the souls, chilling, the blood splattered over her figure, nightmarish.

"It's not right, yet" the throaty silenced voice of her, awkwardly echoing through the winds, blood cascaded down her arm, as she turned around, those earthen eyes now shining scarlet, no emotion within, a foreign cerise symbol crowning her forehead, the woman stained red, glowing in moonlight "Betray me and there won't be anything left in your body to stitch back together, that's what I thought.." smudging the crimson over her once rosé lips she completed.

Flinching at the wordings, hearing the unknown after an eternity, the men shivered, the echoes haunting their nights, returning at once, long was gone the girl they held, the past took a three sixty degree turn, back to return every single one of them their share of wounds, to repent they still needed to be recognized, the one standing in front wasn't known to them, and it terrified them, reminded then that the wounds you inflict, did one day return to yourself, with a higher intensity.

"You're hurting-" the Alpha muttered, still shaken out of his wits, yet the heart beating within his chest, throbbed in a familiar way, it wept for her, who he himself had tormented, without mercy, it saw it all, since the beginning, and again his heart saw, how she was hurting, saw the slits, carved over her skin, bleeding, saw the exhaustion in her eyes which were nothing but cold abyss.

He knew she was slowly but steadily was exhausting her life force, he knew she was hurt beyond repair, he knew. She was dying.

And he wasn't ready to let go. Not now. Never again!

One can make mistake, they can ignore it, can overlook the damage, cover it all, deceive others, deceive themselves, a construction with a weak base, a luxurious mansion constructed over a fragile base, is bound to collapse, they knew the relation was based over nothing but greed, and agony, they were foolish for wishing it to work out, and they knew it now.

They were beyond the point of making things right, they did it all wrong, they wished for a happily ever after and realised That some stories are just not meant to be, the more they looked at her, the more they realised their unforgivable actions, they hoped to be forgiven as all those stories where the end despite the mistakes results to a happy ending, and yet knew better, their ending wasn't one of those.

Even if forgiven this wasn't happy, even if she loved them, and overlooked it all, she was to stay scarred by the events, entirely, she was to live broken, and it wasn't right to her, who suffered because of them always, Jungkook stared into those unknown eyes, looking for anything, until she spoke.

"I'd kill to not have you looking at me like that" she croaked out, blood trailing down her chin, the blazing inferno deep into those vermillion orbs of Her's deathly.

"Like what" he dared, the terror crawling under his flesh.

"Like you could love me"

The words were innocent, she was tired of them, far beyond she could comprehend, the more she tried the better she knew, she now was unable to feel, she wasn't terrified of the fire raging within, she didn't feel her own flesh burning through the wrath of her troubled heart, for that she disregarded the existence of the stupid heart.

"You don't know what love is do you?" the numbness running through her veins gave birth to the symphony of chaos, she was barely alive.

"You're hurting yourself"

"Does that matter? I'll die by the end of this, so tell me do you what is love?" taking a step ahead she asked again, leaving the men bewildered, both of them looked at each other trying to think of answer before, she chuckled, grabbing the king's collar, yanking him closer, staring through his soul, she smiled "Should I tell you?" whispers of her painfully throaty voice, sent shiver down his spine, as she inched closer to him, their faces barely an inch away.

"Tragedy" muttering the words as if they're of absolute secret she began, "Love is tragedy, these stories had glorified, the devil's curse, in the name of the divine blessing, yet the poison is a poison as it is slowly steadily, crawling under your skin, devouring you inside out." pushing him away she laughed, the thick crimson liking down her flesh, as her laughter died down, "Now then My King's I'm not hurting myself the way you're doing, I'm not a fool to be enchanted by the same curse again, I've died by that curse after all"

"I'm not burning for you anymore, rather this is the last of what's remaining of me. My pride, As the Scion I could never accept betrayal." closing her eyes, dragging the neck of her dress, exposing the slightly feverish skin of Her's, revealing the nasty diagonal dark scar, laying on top of her cleavage, she smiled again "See the result of the Love you betrothed me with" that mistake led to my demise, and I'm not making the same mistake again"

"At an early age I learned that people make mistakes, over and over again, and you just have to decide if your love for them is greater than the gravity of the mistakes they made, I've exhausted all of my emotions to be bothered anymore."

"To be abandoned by all for no reason, isn't understandable to a child, to be left out isn't, I've been utterly terrified of my loneliness, it left me so damaged that my voice left me as an aftermath, I've been unbelievably empty, I can feel the iron ripping my flesh apart, as I tried to feel, now at the death door I've decided to end it for once and all"

They didn't knew what she spoke of, they didn't knew why she spoke of those things when she could've ended it all at once, she never needed to speak it all out, she seemed to be just narrating her misery out, with no feel to it, as if just bleeding the tragedy of her life out.

"What's the point of all this, when my strength made everyone turn their backs at me, what's the use of being alive, I wish to burn the entire world down, to let everything caged within out, but I could never be that cruel"

"I cursed you, yet I'm the only one suffering, how miserable this existence of mine is, to return a century later, and fall to the same line of fate, to be captured and tortured by you again, where you mock me again, the longing bought me back to life, and this time I have nothing I'm wishing for, I have no regrets anymore." They stood there paralyzed, frozen with blood scattered all over their beings, as she smiled at them. For the last time. 

One more chapter to go.

One more chapter to go

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