15 | FIFTEEN | 십오

198 10 5

Warning: Mention of Ddlg.

"How are you feeling?" coughing out the thick red salivary liquid, he glanced at the man, who's deep orotund, voice echoed through the dark cold cell, shivers running down his spine, as he watched the man, staring at him, bored, the well-known beast stood, in front of him, that too bored, which meant his source of entertainment was he himself "I need to have fun Afterall"

Fuchsia orbs shined, as the beast smiled, that smile of his, promising, vowing torture and pain to him, the beast was known for his dirty tricks, he wasn't to be messed with, and still he got caught.

Cold fingers, ran over his flesh, birthing tremors of fear deep within him, he knew it wasn't to be fall in for, and still, he was falling deep into the cage of the beast, "Should we do something?" startled by the beast's words he was terrified, overwhelmed by his actions, and his words he wasn't sure of his own situation, "I have pretty non decent thoughts in my mind, and I'm planning to work over them, passionately"

The beast mumbled, pretending to be innocent as the man withered mentally, scared of the monster in front of him, his heavenly looks, terrifying him to the depths of despair, he smirked, loving his prey's reaction, as he slowly crawled over his small figure, his gaze disgusting over the man, "I distaste used things" he growled.

Vermillion shining bright in his eyes, his grip over the man deathly, "Where the fuck is she?" veins glowed fuchsia, his rage over the edge, the man trembled, scared of the monster above him, lilac locks, fading too snowy white, his form shifting.

"I'll- I'll tell you my lord, spare-spare me!"

"You better do"

"You better do"

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"Are you sure?" gazing at the beast he asked, "You look-"

"Beautiful, I know can we move on?" he rolled his eyes, at the narcissist comment, "And I'm not sure, I'm just believing what he said, dead man tells no lies" The beast let out, a bit more frustrated than usual.

"They don't tell truth too, it could all be nothing more than mere myth" he tried to argue, making the beast look back at him, his face stoic.

"I've shot arrows in dark, millions of times, once more is no trouble" roseate strings hovered over his form, lilac locks, darker in shade, fuchsia orbs now vermilion "Besides that, Hyung, I need this more than anything else" he mumbled, sighing the older nodded, knowing the beast well.

"Just don't cause any trouble, it's foreign territory and we can't handle any issue at the moment" Older instructed, his hands automatically reaching out for the younger, softly ruffling his now dark locks, "Your, new look is better than original"

The beast scoffed, "I look good no matter how I disguise myself-"
swatting Older's hands he continued "And didn't I tell you Hyung? Kings are going out again" the older smiled weakly at the beast not feeling enthusiastic by the news.

"Did you just agree with me Hyung?"

"Oh, I wish I could take-"

"Nope, you're with me! no taking back!" sighing at the way beast, literally jumped at him, older slowly patted his head, leaning in, softly kissing his forehead, hugging him with all his emotions out.

"Just come back without a scratch"

"I know" the beast mumbled, hugging him back "One scratch-"

"Equals one head"  

"Equals one head"  

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He knew what he was doing, he himself was worried about million things, and despite all of his knowledge he knew very well that he was taking a huge risk, if he was caught, the consequences, would be dangerous, heavily dangerous, not only for him but for every other person, on both sides.

What better wars have to led to anyway, one who couldn't fight loses, and who can, lose too, a war never comes with victory to anyone, it's just pain and despair, left behind.

Sighing he stared out of the window, the tall building and streets buzzing with noise, their lights illuminating, the dark night, "If only it wasn't this damn hard to find you" he mumbled, memories flashing in front of his eyes, "I would never let go, just as I promised, your pain is mine after all"

He smiled as she ran past him, giggling urging him to catch her, his heart thumping loudly in his chest, as she squealed in happiness, "I bet you can't catch me" fired by her words, he ran to her, his senses highlighted, his arms encircling her waist within seconds, startling her.

"Oh, baby I can always catch you" she gasped at his words, eyes wide as she stared at him, her small hands, against his chest, as she gulped, her eyes switching between his eyes and lips, and he chuckled, at her cuteness, "What do you want baby, you know I can give you everything"


"Everything baby" she stared at him innocently, her small fingers, now tracing his lips, "Then- Then, can I?" she whispered, her heart thumping loudly in her chest, right against him.

"Can you what my love?"

"Uh- uh Da-Daddy"

"Baby, Daddy needs his kisses, Sugar can give him that right" he smiled at his baby as she smiled, already enthusiastic about his words

"My love" smiling at the sweet visons he wiped tears "I'll have you back in my arms again, Till then-"

"Wait for me" 

Pictures above both represent the same guy, mentioned as 'The Beast' he's changing his appearance for some unknown reasons.
Try not to be confused ^_^



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