28 | TWENTY EIGHT |이십팔

129 7 2


There were times when I found myself wanting to be lost into her silence, where she was truly her own self, knowing well that it wasn't my place to do so, I still wished so, I told myself this was just a way of making sure that, she wasn't close enough to harm, but somewhere deep within me I knew she wasn't a harm anyway, despite the things around, my own existence was falling into a great war of what my heart knew and mind believed.

It would've been a huge lie, to say I wasn't attracted to her, there were a bunch of things which constantly pulled me towards her, with or without the mate bond meddling in, and for the last few nights, I was restless a lot more restless than I've ever been, there was a strong ominous feeling radiating around, and somehow my consciousness kept on telling me that it was all related to her.

The dreams and the words which haunted me, were nowhere connected to her, yet my heart longed for her, in all the chaos I wished for her, the result was me being unable to do anything, my senses flaring constantly, mind flinching over every footstep that inched closer and closer to me or Jungkook, my wolf constantly on edge, whimpering for his mate, instinctively getting all protective and pushing my senses into instant action.

And my steps came to an abrupt pause, as I watched her, in a trance, she who stood right in front of me, her eyes wide open as if seen a ghost, and I just felt like a wanderer, who seemed to find his way back home, after a tiering, long night, I just didn't know if I was dreaming or she for real stood in front of me.

It's almost stupid how, just two weeks left me aching to hold her, craving for the slight feel of this being real, and, for once I decide to not think and rushed over, my hands reaching out to her, who seemed in a trance herself, her beautiful being right in front of me, seeming lost, and devastatingly adorable, my arms grasp over her, shamelessly holding her close, her startled gasp, enchanting.

Relief filled me as I felt a bit more alive, Jungkook no different, as he was right behind her, his arms encircling her, setting right against my torso, as he hid his face in the crook of her neck, his lips murmuring inaudible words to her, dropping my head over the other side of her shoulder, I breathed in her citric scent, my arms strong and firm against her.

And between both of us she seemed almost invisible, and somehow for the first time, I didn't feel she was in between us, rather she was where she was meant to be, it was a bit different, how both of us, were trying to grasp over her, faces nuzzling her skin, lips trailing over neck, leaving her mewling, and shuddering, arms caressing her sides affectionately.

And even after almost eternity of us, just scenting her, she didn't push us, rather, her hold over me seemed to be strengthening, and when, Jungkook looked up, his eyes behind me, inspecting our surroundings, a slight distance forming between him and her back, she looked up startled, a cry leaving her.

As she turned around almost in a flash, surprising me, her arms reaching out to him, as she almost crashed herself against him, leaving him stunned, frozen in his spot, eyes wide, as we both stare at each other, our expressions troubled, not understanding what just happened, and before any of us could understand anything, an almost childlike cry left her, as she started to cry finally.

Her small figure holding onto his large well build one, as if her life depended on him, those long dark locks hovering around as he caressed her head, sympathetically, lightly cooing to the girl who seemed frustrated, the strap of her light-colored dress, slipping off her shoulders, and as if sensing my eyes on her she looked back.

Tears running down that beautiful face of hers, her dark orbs looking at me, and my heart almost broke, when she lifted her arm, her hand reaching out for me, as she whined, and as I grasp her delicately, I forget the pang of jealousy I felt when she left me to catch him, my heart so full of warmth as I hear my wolf loud and clear in my head, For her it's no me or him, it's both of us.

In our embrace, she cried, her sobs loud and accusing as she hit him a few times, with him just apologizing, or she whined for me, and I somehow realized, that this girl was going to be the death for us.

I knew that because she was so beautiful that I would've died for her right here right now, and yet her arms searched for me, searched for him when, in all when I straight up refused and denied her, she was still all I needed, and not that I lacked anything, she was so much, which I won't have as it's not my taste and yet she's all I crave, let the taste I might devour her, it was long till she fell asleep and Jungkook, hand her to me.

Her arms around my neck as she snuggled close to me, her body flush against me, leaving me in bliss as sparks travelled up and down my being, walking ahead of me, Jungkook talked with the Alpha and lord, his words strict and firm, I stared at the angel in my arms, her small nose a bit red as she cried hard, why were you crying?

"She missed you! I thought it would be someone cool, you're just a werewolf" I stared awkwardly at the kid, rolling eyes at my reaction he transformed, the gold surrounding him, and within seconds a fully grown man stood beside me, "I'm Sung-Ho I took care of her" I glared at him the thought of a man surrounding her all the time, "No need to stare, I'm no threat, she missed you guys tho, I knew she had a mate, who could've thought, it was Ware's and not one she got two-"

I looked at him skeptically, who would waste time on a wyvern, "She missed us?" I still asked and he shrugged, seeming a bit bored, who am I kidding?

"She wouldn't know, but she did the bond made her vulnerable, the distance from both of you made her weak, she seems pretty sick anyway-" looking at her softly he sighed, "Take care of her, she needs to be taken care of" before I could say anything, he walked away his words echoing in my head, why did he say it, in such a gloomy way? 

WHAT JUST HAPPEND! 1.05 K READS! I was just scrolling around and then I noticed this, this is miracle, honestly when I started writing Moira, I had high expectations with it as the story according to me held a lot of potential.

However with the slow response I thought maybe I wasn't doing justice to the plot as it's a well thought plot, it blew me away when I figured it all out, however who ever said that patience is the key was without a doubt hundred percent right.

There aren't enough words to express my gratitude to each and every reader who spent their precious time over Moira, this just made me more enthusiastic about writing.

Knowing that the story is progressing rather slowly than I want it to be, I do feel bad but at the same time when I write the chapters never come out good enough at the beginning they always require three or four edits, and I love making it better so sorry for the slow burn but I promise It's all worth it.

And of course we came across the closure of guys with her, I honestly hate how they all just think so much and speak nothing, let's see how we'll progress from here.

And before it becomes a essay thanks again for reading, I hope you all are doing good and taking care of yourself and of course

Votes and comments are required, think of them as my life resources, and do vote it won't kill if you press that tiny star, and bless me, so do try for this poor author who suffers with heat all the time, and I purple you all.

BORAHAE 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜



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