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This chapter contains interwoven scenes taking place simultaneously in two different locations try not to be confused.


I swayed with Risa in my arms, her light giggles filling my ears as I watched her, being all, happy, she was genuinely happy, happier than I've ever seen her, her skin glowing, radiating a different level of joy, than any other person present in the hall.

Golden locks dancing around as she twirled, her arm reaching out to Hyung, who catches her almost immediately, her head resting against his shoulder, as he let out a whisper of careful, trying to keep her stable, followed by her low laugh "N-Now I can be careless-s, you'll be here to take care of me after all"

Drunk in her own happiness, she slurred, too lost to care about the world around her, too far to see the discomfort of others around her, people who were obviously uncomfortable to accept her as their Queen.

Holding her, Hyung's eyes met mine, as I half heartily smiled at him, my heart breaking as I looked into his eyes, his emotions lost somewhere far away, and I knew, this one decision was, going to kill us, this will kill us! and this death will be long, excruciating terrible and torturous, as we'll live through all of it.

Closing my eyes, I sighed, not being able to stay all smiley, my gaze over the people around, chatting, swaying to the melodious music, whispering endearments to each other, their love hovering in the air, clouding my misery, looking at Hyung's sitting over their own thrones, with Noona's beside them as they chatted a bit, I decided to walk over to them.

My steps light, weak, as my head throbbed lightly in pain, I now knew, how we never live through heartbreaks and tragedies, rather absorb it as whole, and suffer the deeper darker elements of it, "Careful-"


"You look like you'll break any moment" I eyed Jin Hyung skeptically not impressed by his words as he shrugged, silence falling between us, as we both kept our eyes over the crowd.

"It was her eyes-" I began as he hummed, "Which I noticed first, dark chocolaty orbs, just like the earth, guarding gold within, I loved the way they lit up when she saw what we did for her, they danced when she laughed, those eyes held entire universe, and I won't forget the fear I've instilled in those eyes for myself, won't forget how they dulled and blurred just because of me-"

"That should be enough-" I looked back at him as he sipped wine, his eyes staring through me, "That should be more than enough, you have reasons to stay away, don't you?" I looked away, the knot in my stomach tightening at his words, "Rather than providing false hope in the name of comfort, I choose to speak truth, she is the girl who looks away when you look at her, the kind to cry, ones who're sensitive to words you chose for them-" patting my shoulder he sighed.

"Even after all that she's the tragedy you're bestowed with, you couldn't love her, without breaking yourself in the process"

We know we're wrong and yet just couldn't stop, being wrong, not focusing over anything in particular, wanting to distract myself from his words I looked away, my gaze rolling over the surroundings, before falling over a known figure.

My eyes almost bulging out of its sockets, with her eyes on me, I felt unspeakably lonely, in a room full of people, with her eyes over me, I felt as if it was only, her and me standing there, in front of each other, in silence, silence of emotions gone wrong, she seemed drained, her skin pale, entire being void of life, dark orbs, colorless, unusually blank, with nothing, harbouring darkness, darkness of the nights without moon, where no one knows when, where, and how things go wrong, yet I knew we were her wrong, and she sure had enough.

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