24| TWENTY FOUR |이십사

141 7 3


Fear, used to be such a foreign feeling, to me, I never really understood the weight of the emotion itself, not so unknown, rather a bit trivial, living through years seemed easier with the people I loved beside me, and probably the insensitivity of mine made it so horrifying.

I hate this feeling to the guts, as it makes me feel weak and helpless, and I don't know how to proceed or how to process this situation, and now going blindly around, with a sinking feeling lingering around, makes my blood boil in frustration.

However, I couldn't deny that I feel scared, not being able to track her, fills me with uneasiness, her scent fading into the forest fragrance, feeling angered by coming across, the dried blood smeared over the ground, my heart sank, leaving me frozen.

This is it!

She went around bleeding, leaving trail behind, an unknown tracking for the wilder nastier beasts, the woods nothing better than battlegrounds, the rules non-existent for the inhabitants, the routes dangerous even to the higher ranked beings, yet alone a weak injured human "Hyung!" I heard him, and I knew he was scared too, I did, his hold over my shoulder said it all, he looked for comfort, and thou I had none, I turned around looking at him, trying to assure him, "I don't understand-"

"I know, I don't either-"

"She's fine, and I think I know where she is" Yoongi Hyung let out, seeming a bit frustrated, looking at his direction I frowned, "Felids"


"Past river it's their territory, remains of 'his' Aura are still hovering in the air" focusing past river, my heart beats increased, Kook's hold hard over me, and I knew he was worried beyond my understanding, the wheels in his head already turning, "We need to prepare, before they catch up on anything, she should be back in the territory"

Agreeing with him, others started to head back, leaving me and Kook alone, as we stared across the river, the wind ruffling against the leaves, blocking the view, and just by staying there, breathing the remnants of her essence, I swore I saw her, right beside me, walking with me, and I knew that probably, for the first time since we came across each other, today just for a while, three of us were a bit normal.

Before being thrown under bus of our cruel fate, sighing I looked at him, and by his look I knew, even he was lost somewhere in the thoughts of her, and probably we don't really hate her, as we thought we do, the longing in my heart hurting me "Hyung" he whispered "Do wrong people, with wrong timing ever get a second chance?" he asked gazing at the dark sky.

And I wonder if they do, wonder if we do.


Shivers ran down my spine, as the screams and cries went louder, my insides churning, at the view of the raging fire, the pained screams, crawling over my skin, the pain in my chest excruciating.

And I felt it, felt the cold hard metal, which went past my chest, the blood oozing out of me in an alarming rate, breathing ragged at the pain, the death so feral around, the land bathing in blood, as I shook.

And as if the spell broke, I found myself choking, unable to breathe, hands tied in a vicious grip, as I come face to face to someone, a mocking expression crowned at their face, and I gasp for air, tiered "Please-" my own voice foreign, pained and gruff.

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