31 |THIRTY ONE|삼십일

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Staring at the women in front of him, the Messenger rolled his eyes in annoyance, glaring at him she groaned in frustration, "Just spill the fucking beans" she roared in anger, orbs glowing red, making the spy nod, her almost maniacal appearance not fazing the men present in room, men who were well aware of her craziness, "According to the sources, Kings are resting over the Felidae territory, and-"

Looking away he sighed, clearly bored, and uninterested, just like others, gripping at the wooden desk the women growled lowly, shrugging he continued "They're spending time with the human-" his words got cut off by the thrashing sound of the now broken lamp, 'there goes my well managed budget' the Messenger grimaced.

Sighing at her behavior he gestured the spy to leave, however the maniacal behavior of hers, never learned to read the atmosphere, pointing the knife at the spy, she growled lowly "I'm trying my best to be polite, but if you move that knife a centimeter close to me, then trust me, I'll tear you apart" the spy threatened.

Facepalming, messenger looked back at the stupid mistake of a being, trying to thinking of a way to end the troublesome episode of Her's, before anyone catches info of it, "I'm your Queen! How dare you talk back to me!" 'Time to arrange her funeral' the messenger thought.

'She died doing what she loved: swearing profusely' letting his imagination run wild, he almost smiled "What queen? You're useless, till crowned, there's no authority and dignity with an omega trying hard to climb the bed of mated kings" the spy snarled, pissed and annoyed out of wits, a mocking smile crowning itself over his face, "The Luna Queen is destined, wait till the rightful owner appears-"

"I'm the Queen! It's my throne" gritting her teeth she held her trembling hand, breathing deeply her rage all over the place, "You worked for me, you know well, I'm the only queen!"

Chuckling the spy, leaned against the doorframe, his eyes judgmental, over the pathetic women "I work for money, my service knows no bounds, no human, no Kings or a weakling like you, I worked for the money I received, and that's all why I tolerated you, what made you believe anyone out there will support a Queen of your status?" the woman watched him wide eyed "I wanted to kill you but seeing how high you're dreaming; I'd rather watch your fall"

Shaken to her core, she stood void of movements, walking closer the spy spoke last of his words to her "Once the Luna appears she'll throw you out, just the way you should be, till then enjoy the sweet dream" bewildered by the man and his words she looked at the messenger who watched her silently, He simply couldn't care any less.

"NO! NO! NO! NO! They can't discard me just me like that! They have no right to do so! There's no way I'd let that happen; we've come so far, now I can't give up just like that! I can't lose, Not to a mere human!" the women trembled, fearing the reality 'Well with that useless brain of yours you actually can' messenger rolled his eyes, still not speaking "Fucking Royals! Disgraceful piece of shits! This is what I receive after serving them for years-" 

Feeling weaker than usual, she sat over the ground decorated by the ruins of anything and everything, looking at her the messenger smirked, crouching in front of the crazed women, he spoke "Another oracle?" staring at him she knew what that meant, a gamble of life, yet the greed held upper hand on her consciousness, she was no idiot, and knew what she was daring to step in, and yet it was no question what she wanted, and chose "You do know how we work right?"

Nodding the woman stood up, eyes full of determination "Take whatever pleases you, and make sure I get what I need-"

"There's still some peace in the chaos"

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