6 | SIX | 육

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He gasped as I pushed him against the door, the click of lock, loud and clear, I gazed at his beautiful face, fingertips tracing his skin, peering at his now vermillion orbs, I leaned in, lips tracing his, as he slowly gave in.

Caressing his cheek, I leaned closer, slowly sucking at his skin, his hands tugging at my locks, as he slowly moaned, pinning his hands against the door, I parted reluctantly, chuckling as he followed, a slight pout settled over his lips as I refused.

Smiling at him, I hugged him, breathing in his scent, "Jungkook I'm-" he began, sighing I grabbed his hand, pulling him along with me, "Wait! kook! what! -"

"No Hyung, you listen to me-" tugging at his shirt I began, "Enough thinking about this" I looked at him as he reluctantly nodded, making me smile, "Now then, we can shower together" pulling him under the shower I leaned in.

His mixed coloured hairs, drenched, as water traced over his smooth skin, resting my forehead against his, I sighed, "Hyung, you know I love you right?" I gazed at his ruby orbs, his lips crashing over mine, in urgency, my arms against his waist, slowly travelling over his skin.

The kiss all teeth and tongue, gazing over each other, again and again, pulling and clenching the dominance of our nature, gripping over the strings of our desire, refusing to let go even when running out of breath.

Parting reluctantly, we panted gasping for air, the grip over each other still strong, holding onto each other, with nothing but love in hearts, foreheads resting over each other, smiling slightly as we breathed.

Running his fingers through my hairs, making me sigh in pleasure, enjoying his touch, till a dull throb erupted within, "You're mine till eternity, Jungkook" he whispered shivers running down my spine at his words.

"And you're-" gasping at the pain in my chest, I stumbled over my words, his hands against my chest, halting, falling to knees, I struggled to breathe, voice stuck in my throat, as I struggled for air.

"Jungkook! What's wrong? Hyung panicked his hands running over my naked chest, looking for the cause of pain, rolling and tossing around, I groaned in pain, lack of air flaring the pain.

Removing my hands, as I scratched my skin, he sat over my torso, his own hands trembling, as tears, glistened over his wet skin, tears pricked my eyes, as he shook in fear, my heart pained as my mate suffered.

"I feel tired-" with her back facing me she spoke, "Ah- actually I'm in pain too" she shrugged, her dark long locks swirling with slightest movements, "You certainly don't care, I know" she paused.

"Everyone says you don't and you proved you don't, but I thought you'll know-" sighing she continued "Thought you'll see I get hurt too, I'm only hu-" my head throbbed in pain as my vision blurred, trying to speak I opened my mouth only hearing silence.

Fumbling with her white dress, she continued, her dark locks again clear in my view, "My heart hurts too, with you being like this" I gasped as she leaned closer, her hand reaching out to me, "Don't disappoint me too much" darkness embraced me as her words echoed around, "I might actually break"

Panting I peered at Hyung's face, as his hands against my chest relaxed, sighing, he placed his forehead against mine, tears cascading down his cheeks, as he sighed in relief "H-hyung" placing his fingers against my lips, he embraced me, his head resting in the crook my neck, patting his back I tried to assure him.

Leaning my head back, I tried to think of the weird dream again, trying to bask in his presence of him, before his hand halted, pained groan leaving him, making me look back at him in confusion.

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