3 | THREE | 삼

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Feeling sweaty, as I matched our steps, loud thumping of hearts aligning, with powerful steps, breaths and panting being heard all around the practice room, we paced with the fast and strong rhythms of the song, playing loudly in the back, the music sounding a bit muffled due to the furious choreography.

We all collapsed over the marbled flooring, catching our breaths panting, I looked at kookie, who sat against the mirror, breathing in and out in a calculated pace, sweat cascading down his forehead, eyes closed, lips parted as he slowly stabilized himself, black shirt sticking to his well-maintained body, outlining his abs, I licked my lips as I checked him out.

My mate.

Thinking back to the times, when millions of girls cheered for him, dreaming of having him, I had him at the end of the day, growling at me almost in a teasing way, and then loosing himself "Hyung what are you doing? We're leaving" he called out for me, making me look up at him, who now stood closer to me, waiting for me to come.

Shaking my head, I smiled and towards him "Nothing let's go" I let out as I embraced him a tight hug, making him chuckle, there's nothing in this world, I'll not do to keep him here, anything that can separate me away from him, werewolves, Vampires or Human mate, I'll get rid of it all.

"Joon Hyung asked me to meet the human, what do you think Hyung? Should we go?" He asked as we walked towards the shower room, I looked back at him, as we walked further and further, hesitance laced in his gestures, jaw and shoulders tense, clearly giving the sign of his reluctance.

Despite being the strong Alpha king that he is, Jungkook is more of a detail-oriented person, he takes his time to settle up in a situation, before doing anything, and this time it's the same, he needs more time to think through this, and with the concert around the corner, he has too much in his mind anyway.

"You stay and have some rest; I'll go and do whatever is needed" I informed, as we entered the room.

"You sure Hyung? You don't need me to come?" he asked concern clear in his voice, and I smiled a bit at his concern, what can a human do to me anyway.

"Let Taehyungie go, Jungkook you still need to take rest, he'll take care of it and you can see him anytime, we still got things to do here" Jimin replied as he ruffled his hairs through a towel, I smiled at him, nodding in approval.

I looked back at him, noticing his hesitation fade away, as smiled back at me making me relived, breathing in I ruffled his hairs and went for a shower, trying to get things straight in my head.

Resting my forehead against the cold tiles as water cascaded over my body, I breathed in, "There's nothing she can do anyway, what chance does a human have in front of a fully grown wolf?" sighing I facepalmed knowing well of the elephant in the room, I can't just ignore this issue.

Remembering how my wolf reacted, just by a glimpse of her, I knew it was trouble, and it wasn't something physical, more of the bond which is her weapon against me, shaking my head, I started to repeat what I know I need to do, Mate, Human or not once becomes a threat I'll get rid of it.

I leaned my head backwards, running my hands through my wet locks, all we needed was, at least one thing to be normal for us, but even that got ruined, not giving too much thought about the matter I stepped out of the shower, and head straight towards the common room.

Where Hobi and Jin Hyung were indulged in a conversation, noticing others, absence I figured that they must be, still cleaning up, taking the chance I decided to get the job done, placing the towel against one of the chairs, I fixed up my loose yellow shirt and started to walk towards the door.

"Taehyung-ah, you're already leaving?" I turned around looking at the pair who now looked at me, nodding I stopped.

"The faster we get it done the better, isn't it that way Jin Hyung?" He shrugged.

"I never said so, I give plenty of time to the things, so that I don't make a mistake to regret on"

"We are not making any mistake Hyung, prevention is better than cure, Humans themselves believe in it" Hobi Hyung got up sensing the tense atmosphere.

"Calm down, calm down my brothers, Jin Hyung we still have some recordings to check, and Taehyungie you go ahead but do give some thoughts to Hyung's words, okay?" Patting my shoulders, he let out, and I sighed nodding anyway.

"I'll think about it Hyung, I sure will"

"I know you do think through things, before taking action, but I just can't step back and watch you making mistakes too, I hope you understand"

"I know Hyung"

"Well then go and get done with it, we'll have dinner later don't be late." he informed and a grin made its place on my face.

"Have I ever been late?" he chuckled, nodding in agreement.

Standing In front of the door I winced, loud banging and screaming, making my ears hurt, my enhanced hearing not helping with the situation, I looked to my side where Sejin Hyung stood, discomfort clear over his features, "She's loud; my ears will bleed if she doesn't stop" he gritted out and I chuckled.

"You look quite done Hyung"

"It's not you who's hearing all this, that's why you got guts to say shit like that, now go and tell her to shut up, or I'll be crazy" I chuckled at his response, nodding slightly, I breathed in, her calm oceanic scent filling me, placing my hand over my heart, feeling it's loud thumping against my skin, I sighed, reminding myself of everything I know.

I stepped in the room, ignoring everything, before I breathed and felt the air knock out of me, my heart beats flared, her scent filling me, blowing my senses away, I stared at her, as she panted.

Black locks scattered all around her shoulders and face, dark chocolaty orbs, surrounded by redness and swelling, due to all the crying, my heart ached as she sobbed, muffled cries leaving her.

She shook herself violently, desperately trying to free herself, wrists bleeding due to the deep cuts, result of the harsh nylon ropes, around her skin, she let out muffled screams, which without any doubt were the pleas for getting out of the restraints.

If not for the circumstances, I would've embraced her and would've done everything in my power to ease out her pain, but for the sake of my love, I had to hurt her over and over again.



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