11 | ELEVEN | 십일

218 9 4


My hands trembled in fear, as I wondered how much damage I've done to people, to end up in such situation, million thoughts ran through my mind, as they sat in front of me, my heart beats escalating, adrenal rushing through, cold sweat breaking out over my now feverish skin.

"What- What did you do?" my voice wavered still not over the incident, "What did you do to my parents?" completing I gulped, shivers running down my spine at the look he gave me.

"Dark Psychism" bewildered by the response I looked at him who seemed bored out of his wits, his dark hairs hovering over his forehead, sighing he looked at me, "Altered their memories" sweat glistened down my skin as he spoke, my heart filling with dread, "In simple words you don't even exist"

"So, no one is actually looking out for you, or-" my head spined, as he continued, and now I wasn't able to hear him, my eyes didn't see him anymore, my heart skipped beats, as I collapsed deep into the dark alleys of despair.

Just how many times will the same thing break me?

'As long as you're craving it, it'll break you' I winced at the loud voice, still lost in darkness, unable to find the unknown, 'It's a bit hard to not hope, to not want-' blinking a bit too hastily, trying to see through the darkness, I heard the voice, 'to not crave isn't human, and you my love are so much human' I flinched at the sense of the unknown.

'You're my belief for protecting the lost sanity' lonely tears rolled down my cheeks, 'And for that you shouldn't lose yours' feeling the warmth over my forehead I found myself, being lulled to sleep, the melodious voice embracing me.


Namjoon Hyung paced back at forth in front of us, talking almost breathlessly, trying to explain the sudden cancelation of our practice, facepalming, I sighed tired of all the mess, with tour around the corner, I found myself stressed more than necessary, and also became the one who kept it in, better not explode.

Looking at the moon, shining brightly in the dark night, I gritted my teeth, this bitch fucked up my mental peace, and is now is shining at me as if won Olympics, flashing my middle finger to him, I drew the curtains in, "Yeah I understand" Hyung completed.

Ending the call he sat beside me, facing Taehyung who seemed lost in his own thoughts, Hyung sighed before beginning, "We can't go on like this-" running my fingers through my locks, I leaned back knowing well what he meant, hearing Yoongi Hyung she literally fainted, at this rate she'll be more of a headache than human to deal with, "In my opinion it's better to send her off with the girls, she'll be monitored well there and for now-"

"It's just better in every way, for everyone" he completed and I knew more than us, it's her who needs to have time, with these two around she might lose her mind completely, and it'll be a huge mess, so she'd be better off away.

Tae stayed silent, his eyes glued to the marbled flooring, mixed coloured locks hovering over his forehead, elbows resting over knees, fingers intertwined, his entire posture radiating dominance, as he stayed silent, not knowing how to deal with the situation, our eyes met with Jungkook.

Deafening silence filled the environment, leaving all of us, uneasy before Jungkook spoke, "Whatever you say i'm fine with it Hyung, however we have one thing we want to be done" leaning back he stared back at us, cerise already swirling in his orbs.

"Yeah, what is it?" Hyung asked, not really expecting something extreme, not that they'd suggest something extreme, after knowing how it affects them equally, however goosebumps erupted over my skin, at the way his deep voice reverberated, letting out few but extremely cold words.

"Isolate her" peering into his brown eyes, I found him strange, his brown orbs which usually reflect welcoming vibes, were now cold as ice, no emotion evident in them, and maybe for the first times in so many years, I found my heart aching too.

My heart who always knows, what's wrong and what isn't, now ached for him, it ached for his innocence, that he's swallowing, to be the beast who doesn't feel, but over anything it ached for her, who's fated to be his, and destined to be hated by him.

It's aching because it knows, what happened and may happen is wrong, it's aching because it knows I can't really do much.

My blood ran cold, at the intensity of hate his eyes now displayed, and didn't fail to see hurt buried deep within, for someone he was meant to love, one who's his to protect and claim, is now someone, he only waited for the death of.

It hurt him to hurt her, and yet he did it cause fate played him. 


This chapter is dedicated to marliena2013 thank you for voting and supporting the story plus killing my writer's block, hope you enjoy your read.


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