26 | TWENTY SIX | 이십육

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"Danshin!-" I came face to face with familiar people, same reoccurring characters of my unconsciousness, however the feel gloomy, and heavier than I ever.

Shivers ran down my spines as I looked at 'her', features still foreign to me, yet the betrayed look of Her's shot shafts at me, stunned I realized how just like any other time, they're still unable to see or hear me, gazing around I tried to understand, the embarrassment of the two grown ass men, as they hid the unknown figure behind, as she glared at them.

For a while now these figures hollered my subconscious, the unknown figures annoying, and yet I got used to them and their unusual mannerisms, the set of men, Mates, and the girl they're bonded to, they somehow reflected my own situation, however I never joined these two incidents together.

The similarities kept on giving me chills, and it was another one of the episodes of 'her' dramatic outbursts, or so I was expecting, looking at the person hiding behind the men, she called out to her so-called husbands, or the cheaters who destroyed her, the beginnings of her relation with her husbands were sad and overly dramatic.

I spent months, hearing her, and her whining about her disastrous life, her responsibilities as a powerful being, and the so-called husband's being wary of her, and the responsibilities accompanying her, thinking she was annoying I tried to ignore her and her nonsense, till the men she talked of came in too, watching it from their perspective made it clear to me, that they were born-


Men who knew nothing of responsibilities, and respect, for the other half of theirs, something I was no in place to talk of, I myself was no better of a man to someone, in particular, and still if it was in my hand, I would've told her to kill the assholes, however it's easier said than done, and today standing beside her, I kind of knew, that hell was about to break loose.

The women hiding behind them, and their expressions said what it was, and something in me felt the shame too, as I saw her expression of hurt and betrayal, it was far from anger, it was pain, a scoff leaving her-

"I wanted it so badly that I ruined it for myself, overthinking, fantasizing, imagining, procrastinating, all in all expecting, not letting it naturally evolve-" closing her eyes she mumbled "I expected big and cried because none of it was real-"

With the words escaping her, I felt lost "I told you, didn't I Danshin?-" wonder why her words, her looks all of it seemed so real, I gazed back at her, "I never had the chance to be soft, I'm nothing but broken knuckles, and bloodied broken shard of glass, told you I was raised to be a weapon-" gulping at the realistic dream, I felt suffocated, "Yet I tried to be what you could accept, and in the prosses I kind of forgot, that treating spear as canes, won't change what it is-"

"A murderous object" she smiled, a lonely tear cascading down her cheeks, as she looked at them the hurt still bubbling in her, and the hurt bloomed in my chest, as if someone clawed over my flesh.

"You were so off hook that you missed the monster beneath, I'm nothing but fire, and I wasn't taught how to bring warmth, all I know of is destruction, and you've made me believe that's all I need to know-" being the victim of her words, I fell to my knees, her eyes on me, as I looked back at her confused, as her dark orbs glowed gold, something within me twisting at her accusing look.

Gasping I sat up, my eyes wide, as sweat glistened over my skin, Kook's face right in front of me, making me jump at him without a warning, a pained gran leaving him, as we both crash against the hard flooring, of our bedroom, "As much as I love having you jump on me, how about not doing this again Hyung, my back might break-"

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