23 | TWENTY THREE |이십삼

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Goose bumps erupted all over my skin, at the coldness of the water, tripping over my own steps, I winced, the wounds still fresh, cursing at myself, I sniffled lightly, the chills scattered over me.

Ignoring the pain, breathing the fragrance of the woods, I kept on walking, feeling a bit free from the troubles of my life, gazing at the dark clouds, looming over my head, the fear of being chased down, far away, nightmares out of sight.

Trying to be a bit comfortable, around the nature, I closed my eyes, just wishing for a bit of luck, a bit of hope, light, just anything worth holding on too, before I judgement of my own, out of their grasp alone with my own self.

I have so many chances, in hand, the crashing of water loud, and for once it's, so peaceful, and enchanting, alluring, as if calling for me, and little do I know, I wish to disappear, in the crashes of the waterfall, or be tattered in the gust of nights, to be gone in the depths of the darkness-

The loud twitch, sent shivers down my spine, pulling me out of the trance, they already found me? frozen on my spot, staring at the bushes, I anticipated worst, "ARGH- these trees I swear-" the voice came out young.

As a small figure jumped out of the darkness, rolling over the ground, gracefully, before standing uptight, a beautiful smile plastered over the small face "Fairy!"


Excited he jumped at his place, "I knew I could find one" squealing in happiness, he stared at me, observing me "You're a bit dirty but it's fine, we'll get you cleaned, Hyung will be surprised" his words left me shook, Dirty? should I be offended? Though the other half of his sentence left me in shaking.


Eyes out of focus, he went quiet, and now I felt cold, an odd, feeling deep in my gut, certain someone being at proximity, an uneasiness developing within, starting to back from the boy, I moved, I couldn't afford any mess.

The loud splashing, pulling him out of trance, determined to leave, I hurried, not really worrying for the child, he seems to know the place better, clutching at my now heavy dress, I moved, steps heavy, and sucking energy out of me.

"No! Don't run, I found you" he called out, the whine in his voice, making me hesitant, however ignoring him, I continued, I- couldn't- just- let me be- selfish- I- only – care for myself- "I'll hunt you!"

Shivers ran down my spine as his voice got heavier, making me look back at him, his orbs shining flaxen, features suddenly seeming matured, the sight, striking me as lightning, What in the world-

My knees abruptly weak, too tired to move, heartbeats uneven, my pause pleasing him, as my numb limbs gave out, failing me at such crucial situation, falling in cold, my eyes didn't leave him, scared of the consequences, my anxiety flaring.

Watching me shivering, he smiled, innocence lapping over his young features, the animalistic essence fading into thin air, my heart skipped a beat at the deep gruff echoing voice "Sung-Ho! I've told you a million times, not wander-"

Alarms rang loud in my head, as a man walked in, his gaze undoubtedly stuck over me, greenish orbs shining brightly in moonlight, enchanting, making my knees weaker than they were, trembling in fear as he watched me with an animalistic gaze, "This is no fairy, Sung-Ho, rather a human" he let out seeming irritated.

The boy seemed offended with the information, as he pouted ready to argue "No! she's a fairy no one comes this deep in the woods" his words alarmed me, "Which sort of human will survive in here? Hyung?" feeling nauseous, I clenched my eyes closed.

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