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It was a day which started off kind of the way my other days start, with me being comparatively less grumpy, I spent most of the day over bed doing absolutely nothing (and my exams are literally in two days, and I've studied shit!) Anyhow it was just another day passing by insignificantly in this pandamic.

Until, I opened this app and almost had a heart attack, 2K reads! Excuse me! Am I hallucinating! Am I hallucination! Like just how? When! I had three-four mental breakdowns, I may or may not have screamed like an possessed bitch! Till calming down.

I don't think I have calmed down tho, might take a week atleast, however I thank each and every person, on the other side of the screen who read Moira, and spent even a speck of thier precious time.

I am extremely thankful of all of you, one's who read and left, who skip, the silent readers, or the ones who did spoke all of you are precious to me, and I love you all tons.

Now Imma cry and stuff myself up.

I'll stop here or I'll never stop, so thankyou, and I'll work harder to make this worth your time, stay safe take care and-

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I'll stop here or I'll never stop, so thankyou, and I'll work harder to make this worth your time, stay safe take care and-

BORAHAE 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

BORAHAE 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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