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"This is new, I mean people usually like that..." he trailed off, noticing the glare, of the woman, who showed up at his door, soaking wet, bruised and covered in glitter, he smiled at the girl apologetically, who didn't seem to care, and was simply annoyed, "I apologize, I've set that entire set up in order to make trip to heaven a bit delightful"

"Isn't heaven already delightful?"

"That's when you already are here, most of the time the trip is painful to people, as they couldn't yet accept the fact that they're already, well...dead" she nodded agreeing his words, she herself was quite baffled by the things happening, even more she was annoyed by the stark resemblance of the man in front of her, with the man she saw in her dreams.

She didn't quite understand what exactly was happening, her intelligence out of question, with all the weird things happening she wasn't even sure, if she's already dead, or another nightmarish reality waited for her, once she woke up, "I know we need to talk, and I've waited quite long for us to meet, so would you mind walking along with me?" the man smiled, at her, sighing she agreed, not really sure where this talk of his was heading.

Walking side by side with him, she finally looked around, her gaze over the serene, garden, wide eyed she froze in her place, the familiar flower beds in her view, and she almost felt like she was back into those dreams, of Her's which seemed to be the only good things happening in her life, which seemed to be the only purpose for her to, steer through those long exhausting days.

"I see you seem to remember it, hope you remember me too" he smiled comfortingly at her, who seemed to be stuck in some sort of loop, before tears started to pour out of her eyes like a dam, overflowing as she sobbed, the man embraced her, patting her head lovingly, "Welcome home my child" he mumbled.

Tears ran down her face as, she cried, her heart ripping apart, feelings seem to be a terrible form of torture, the more you feel, the worse it is, she didn't quite know what hurt her so bad, after all she chose death, then what was hurting so bad? she left all the torment behind and yet her heart seemed to weep, "Why...Why?" her soul seemed to be shattering, "Why is this happening, why would you let it happen?"

She knew who he was, it was a bit delayed but she now understood, and was able to see through it, this very place, she's been here a million times, her dreams seemed realistic, and she knew she wasn't in the best state of mind, and thus kept on denying it, denied the feel of him, this man was no living, she knew, knew the feel of divine quite well, it ran through her veins, how would she not recognize the very spark of it?

"What love they've talked of? If you cared you wouldn't have made my life so miserable over and over again"

He sighed this was way more of passive response, he believed he would run for his life, even when there's no way he'd die, he loved his creation more than anything, it was hard for him to watch, looking at her he knew there was no going back, "It's hard but you chose to return" his words weren't the nicest, they made her angry.

"I chose to die a million times, yet you didn't let me die! And you're saying you let me choose such misery when you for sure could've denied!"

"Let me explain this to you, Sol. No being, mortal, immortal, divine or hellish has ever held the right to taunt destiny, we celestial beings just hold the curse of knowing the gone and the path to come, every being is born to a cause, to fulfil a task, it could be something small or big, it all depends"

"Your first cycle was simple you were born as the Scion to the Phoenix's, but the parents weren't responsible their actions slowly tainted your path, and you were more and more sucked within internal conflicts, of your own, none of those things were predetermined, rather you wrote your own story, at the end I have to watch everything fall, and when I asked you what you wished for back then, You asked for revenge"

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