36| THIRTY SIX |삼십육

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I walked up to the clearing in the woods, my footsteps light, over the wet grass covering the grounds, the water still dripping down the trees, my chest tightening as I watched her, sitting by herself, just like every other, day, staring at the distance, not focusing over anything, Bondless, she's been called that not once but a million times, a person, product of mistakes, left out to be by herself, in a world where she's got no support.

Head resting over her arms, which rested on her knees, 'How long are you planning on standing there?' hearing her light hoarse voice, I walked up to her, sitting beside her, her eyes still far away, the snow-white locks fluttering gracefully in the air, glassy grey orbs past my understanding, her beauty unnatural, a bit ethereal and ghostly both at once.

My gaze froze over the scars painted over her arms, the dark sinister slits scarring the almost white of her skin, painful, scars of viciousness over the years, the proof of the warrior within her, harbouring silence of the screams, 'It's been long I couldn't care about them anymore-' she mumbled, aware of my gaze over her skin.

Leaning back resting her hands over the ground, she shifted her gaze up towards the sky, the shirt slipping past her shoulder, exposing the golden gleaming, intricated patterns painted over her skin, adorned with foreign letters splattered here and there drowning in crimson, my stomach churned at the art of divine, splattered over her skin, 'I was born with them, they don't hurt, at least the gold one's don't' the lack of words in my case was mere surprise, I didn't know what exactly I was to say.

Sighing she looked at me, her mirror orbs fixated over me, her entire being carved out of the light, yet there wasn't a bit of serenity within, 'Alpha Tae-hyung, I wonder if you love playing with fire' smiling at her I shrugged, 'Unfortunately, there's no way we can do this, no way I'll be doing this' she spoke her voice sinking in silence.

Smiling even more brightly I shook my head, 'Fortunately, you're wrong' furrowing her eyebrows, she stared at me, chuckling I leaned back, 'You're the heir you do as you wish there's no one strong enough to stop you' Is there? Breathing deeply, she rolled her eyes.

'As easy as it might seem to you, Alpha, it isn't, my authority always and forever will rest within the clan, I have no way out of this life' She muttered.

'Do you wish to be out?'

'Once, she did once' keeping my eyes over my beta I let him continue, 'Probably around the age of fifteen, she threatened the chief with her powers-' sighing he shook his head 'It's not clear how, but the chief easily overpowered her, he chopped her hair off, as a punishment, might not seem like a big deal, but it tamed her dangerously' looking at Jeongguk, I raised a brow as he agreed with the information.

'They trained her from the age of five, mercilessly, taming her in ways I won't consider right in any way, the chief seemed to have lost his temper over her quite a lot of times too-' leaning in he took another pair of documents, 'She probably never wished to be the heir, and tried to escape from all the mess, but was mercilessly dragged back again and again-' looking at me he said.

'She's yielded to be a shield and weapon to this clan, her wish probably is only to be a bit normal, and if possible happy'

She stared wide eyed at us, as we stood in front of her, our eyes fixed over her, she who seemed to be paralyzed in her place, a deafening silence filling the huge hall, the crowd silent anticipating the answer just as us 'Why?' she whispered her voice wavering.

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