16 | SIXTEEN | 십육

194 9 2


Glaring at the girl in front of me, I let out a frustrated groan "I asked something" she flinched at my raised voice; however, I couldn't care any less, way to pissed for caring at the moment, "Why didn't you informed us about her deteriorating health?"

She shivered as I stepped towards her, quickly kneeling in front of me, tears rolling down her cheeks, and I sighed knowing well that I wasn't even thinking of hurting her, and her drama already began, running my fingers through, my hairs I asked again "Risa! Why did you do that?"

"I'm sorry Alpha, I shouldn't have done so, but I had no bad intentions-"

"All I'm asking is why? I didn't ask you to apologize, for that I first have to figure out this situation" I assured "Now tell me the reason" wiping her tears she looked at me.

"I checked her reports, and noticed that something in her body, constantly resisted medication, her previous medical reports stated that she rarely got sick" she informed "And whenever got sick, her symptoms were high fever, which didn't come down for weeks, but when came down, it somehow healed her completely" bewildered by her words, I sat back down.

"I just wanted to figure out what exactly Is resisting it, that's why I hid it, I had no other intentions, I just wanted to help-" I stared at her, not so sure of her words.

"Did you find out the reason?" Tae interjected, his expression dark and I felt something weird in the back of my head, already feeling bad about this.

"I tried to figure out and failed so-" she paused her eyes on the floor, cocking an eyebrow at her abrupt pause, Yoongi Hyung asked.

"So what?" biting her lip she tugged at her sleeves, her actions suspicious "I'm asking something"

"I know about the prophecy, and thought it could be something dangerous, so I contacted the-" letting out a frustrated growl I leaned back.

"Contacted who?"

"Messenger" choking on air I coughed out aloud, eyes wide as they looked at the girl in front, kneeling, her head hanging low.

"Do you even know what you're talking about?" Tae let out, anger evident in his voice, "Why would you do that, it's dangerous"

Watching Tae and kook fuss over her, I tried to process her words, my brain losing its last left cells, over her nonsensical shit, she did what? How the fuck is that even possible for someone like her.

'I always thought she's weird, who knew she had connections with those bastards, this Kinda explains her stupidly thou' I stared at Yoongi Hyung as he mind linked me.

"What did you just say?" Hobi Hyung let out, seeming extremely disturbed by her words, "I fucking worked nonstop for three years in a row, to make sure no one, I repeat no one! Except the royals to meet with those bastards, and you one day just decide to do so! Am I high now!" he growled, and I sighed understanding his annoyance well.

"We'll come back to this Hyung, but before that-" Joon Hyung interjected, "Where did you find one?" he asked, suspicion evident in his dragon like eyes, "they're not locals wandering on streets, and even if you found one-"

"How did you managed to get something out of him?" Jin Hyung completed, their questions rational and genuine, knowing how crude of the beings' they are, it's almost impossible to find one.

Unless you're a royal you might never even come across one, and judging from the way they are, it's better if one doesn't, as they're cunning tricksters, taking more than one than on could give, and returning nothing.

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