8 | EIGHT | 칠

262 9 1


Sighing I reached out to Tae, the dim canvas of sky slowly lighting up, warm sun rays illuminating across the city which barely slept, streetlights turning off, with the slowly waking world, wind slightly brushing across our skin.

"I don't want this" he let out, making me look at him, "Any of this, I want nothing, I don't really! I just want the life we had" he mumbled clearly stressed, sighing I looked back at the sky.

"Worrying about things which, we certainly can't control is of no use" snaking my arm around his shoulder I continued, "We should focus over what we can control" ruffling his hairs, I looked at him, trying to understand his thoughts.

"I've been thinking, what could possibly go wrong from here anyway?" I muttered "In her current situation, I don't think she'll like anyone of us around her" I tried to explain "With no communication, there's no way she'll ever be something good enough to be in between both of you" I doubted if he heard me at all.



"Why me? Why us?"

"Mate is a blessing Tae, a lot of people are not as privileged as you, they die alone, or worse their own mate is not there, things go terribly wrong, you still could try-"

"And have everything broken?" he snapped, "For once I could forget everything, but not the disaster she bought to my life" Dropping his head over his hands, he let out.

"Let it be, overthinking is good for nothing" I assured, patting his back, "If things happen the way you want, it's good, if not, even better, because that's how it's meant to be"

"You're right we don't have time to waste over this nonsense" he let out, smiling at me, sighing I relaxed, finally we did reach somewhere with this conversation.

Thinking of her, my heart felt heavy, it ached for the soul which is to bear the weight of possibilities, oh how pained she'd be, carrying it all by herself, holding the disastrous truth, and letting the humanity within die.

All pained.

How heavy possibilities have to be? blaming, hunting, weak for those damned probabilities, and thou I'm aware of the consequences, I'm no different, with these powers in hand, I'm still no better, still one of them, committing sins.


Darkness, is all I see, I'm stuck at the pit of the cold dark ocean, body shivering in cold, heart sinking at the view of nothing, in miles, nothing but darkness.

Trying to move, I winced, only now realizing the ache down to my bones, gasping for air, I struggled, my hands trembling in air, trying to look for anything, I'm falling, heartbeats, slowing down, panic rushing through me, as I couldn't really grasp over the situation.

"This too shall pass-" a voice echoed in the darkness, my throat burned as tears escaped my eyes, the echoing voice slowly clearing, up with the illuminating light at the distance, pained gasps leaving me, "It's hard, but what's a life with no hardship?"

"I bless you with strength, hold on no matter the situation" gasping I coughed, the lack of air haunting, white celling in my view, daunting, like the cold water thrown over the head, panting I slowly pushed myself to a sitting position, my eyes wide in horror of the unfamiliarity of the place.

Where the hell am I?

Noticing their absence, I pushed myself off bed, falling right on knees, my strength little to none, watching the iv, secured over my hand, I ripped it out, swallowing the pained cry of distress, blood slowly painting my skin.

Dragging myself towards the balcony, I breathed heavily, my head throbbing viciously in pain, removing the curtains, coming face to face with the blinding sunlight, my heart beats rose in excitement, with the warmth of sun over my cold skin.

Walking out, slowly making my way towards the end, my blood froze at the sight, the height lethal, all hopes collapsing along with my body, over the cold marbled flooring.

Getting hold of my dizzy head I sighed, how the hell am I supposed to leave now? Falling off will result in my death, I need to think, shaking my head, looking around my gaze landed at the pipeline, going through the building wall.

My life depends over this decision.

Crawling towards the side of the balcony, my hands trembled in fear, my head still a bit dizzy, outstretching my arm, I realized that the risk Is worth it, looking behind me, making sure I'm alone, I gulped.

It's now or never.

Holding the railing strongly, I prepared myself, "AH!" muscular arms encircled around my waist, quickly dragging me away, I gasped, sparks flowing through my body, grasping the muscular arms around my body, darkness, took over my vision.

Panting, I blinked hastily, as my headache, immediately calmed, red locks danced over his forehead, as dark earthen orbs, bore holes in my soul, light rings of carmine forming in them, I gulped, hearing him growl viciously at me, his grip firm over my bandaged wrists, minty breath fanning at me, "Beautiful" he muttered mindlessly.

His words, making made my heart warm, the terror mysteriously disappearing "Jungkook" my voice wavered as he stared silently at me, his grip hardening, making me hiss at the pain, tears pricking my eyes, "You-You're hurting me"

"That's the only thing I can take responsibility of" 



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