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The following chapter takes place in flashback of unrevealed timelines, plus the long gap between represents skip in years.

'We could be the greatest team that the world has ever seen' I heard the two of many other knight candidates speak, as I passed by them, my presence unknown to them due to several reasons, the structure of the training grounds for instance, or probably it was just me, born with relatively light steps, 'Even if we were to be the greatest in the batch, we won't be given the honour and title in accordance to our talent' one of them scoffed, a frown taking over my features at his comment.

Why not? never ever has talent and hard work of knights have been disregarded by the Chief.

'It doesn't matter how good your skills are, once you try to overpower the Heir, you're done for, Moon knows where they'll send you, after you're granted with knighthood, it's not worth it, your life will go to waste, because you offered threat to their Linage." confused by their words I decided to reveal myself, not liking the blatant display of the disrespect.

'You people lack disciplinary training, judging how you've got enough time up your sleeves to bitch around your superiors' mocking the brats I stood behind their small group, which visibly flinched at my comment, eyes wide as they caught their situation almost immediately.

'S-Scion...' stuttering the man bowed to me, making me almost chuckle, his fear chocking me, keeping a neutral face I stared at the group, which slowly bowed to me, in respect, 'We were just joking around at the break' raising brow at his comment, stood straight.

'It's two minutes past your break hours-' swinging my pale white locks behind, I let out, their expressions twisting a bit, before they composed themselves, 'And I think I heard you people being dissatisfied with the treatment you receive, dissatisfied enough to disrespect the superiors'

Stunned by my words the men shook their head in No, one of them stepping forward to say something before a known figure pushed past him, towering over me with his height, looking down at me, a deadly glare crowned over his face, 'We're stating mere truth, and truth could and could not disrespect, one.'

'You're saying your hard work and talent will be disregarded because of me, aren't you? where my Halbi is everything but biased, he's providing all to you people, and yet you're disrespecting here, and dare to raise voice against me!' a growl left me at his behavior, chuckling he looked back at me.

'Chief is anything but unbiased, Scion, we're ordered to be in line and never ever defy you, we're knights ordered to let you rule over us, and you're not even officially graced, once you learn to channelize your powers, I know you sure will cause demise to our clan, you'll led us to our fall, the first female heir to phoenixes will lead our end, I'm sure'

'Halbi-' I mumbled watching the oldie walk around the kitchen, cooking, as he looked at me and hummed, continuing to work around, 'I-I' sighing I continued 'I don't like training'

'In your age almost no one does' chopping veggies he continued, 'In your age your father threatened me to run away' smiling at the memory he said, 'However there's no way you'll be saved from it'

'But I want to live like other girls, to go around looking at different fields, running through the flower gardens, chasing butterflies-'

'Doesn't matter what you want, what I want, is all that matters, don't forget you are not like others! Get that in your head!' looking at me he declared sternly 'You are heir to the phoenixes, born with power, power which will kill you, if you're not strong enough, the one with divinity and royalty within, you have responsibilities, you need to be strong'

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