17 | SEVENTEEN | 십칠

188 8 6

Warning: mention of self-harm.



Feeling in contrast to burning hot weather, I whimpered, tired of the constant ache, clenching the bed sheets, I sighed heavily, my body on fire, the discomfort extremely irritating at this point.

There's nothing I can do, as the cold within began to numb my insides, I groaned realizing, how it's happening again, the last time this happened, it wasn't this intense, but similar to the past, my body has fallen in a trance.

Emotionally drained, unable to comprehend the situation, lost, alone, feelings distant, somewhere, I couldn't find them, as the ability to respond and feel is just something slowly withered, the body being the only essence of my existence, that too burning itself.

Strong fiery passion engulfing each fiber of my being, in contrast to the chill my insides are drowned in, unable to move, I gasped in my place, feverish touch of the unknown hovering over my skin, as I tried to breathe.

I pant as pain travels through me, the darkness around me starting to fill up with, serene and subtle colors, The known figure walking beside me, speaking of things I couldn't really understand, "Why are you still here?"

He paused, a bit startled by my comment, before continuing to walk, silent, I looked back at him, trying to understand his intensions, "You should leave too just as others did" I whispered, "You're nothing but my imagination anyway" chuckling he pushed me, startled I fell over the ground.

Glaring at him who towered over me, sighing he kneeled in front of me, his hand outstretched, touching my long dark locks, "I need you to realise my love, that you got magic in your bones, gold in your soul, and unless it's someone really worth it, they will all treat you like you're nothing but ordinary"

"You're worth it, then?"

"You don't listen to me much do you, you're the most precious soul to me, my dear, the last thing I could take is you giving up, so how about not doing so?" I stared at him a bit confused of his words, my thoughts coming to halt at the voice of someone giggling.

Looking around I saw her, dark long locks, bouncing around as she ran towards me, her smile beautiful as she passed by me, her steps coming to halt a bit later as she turned to look at me, "I'm hiding so don't tell him I'm here" I looked at her as she crouched, walking to her I sat beside her.

Who is she?

Giggling lightly she whispered to me, "I told him he won't be able to catch me all the time" I stared at her, trying to understand what was happening.

"Who is 'he?'" I asked "It's okay if you don't want to tell"

"Ah it's my ma-" familiar warmth started to crawl over my skin, the agonizing fire erupting again within my flesh, this time stronger than before, making me feel paralysed, tears rolling down my cheeks.

My vision blurred before he lovingly caressed my hairs, my heart knowing it's him, more tears cascaded down my skin, as I reached out to him, "One of the hardest things you ever have to do, my love, would be to grieve the loss of people who're still alive" I sobbed gripping over his hands.

"I'm sorry my dear, I'm not of much help to you-" gasping I tried to keep my hold over his now fading appearance, "It's okay my dear, I'm always here, now close your eyes, and believe me, that you're not alone I'm with you"


Staring wide eyed at the celling, I groaned, unable to make any sound, my hands, scratching over my own skin, trying to soothe the fire, my breathing getting slower passing time, gasping for air, I closed my eyes.

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