21 | TWENTY ONE | 이십일

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Walking side by side with her, I for the first time saw her, got to see those eyes, similar to the gold deep in the ground, drowning in beige, braided locks resting over her shoulders, loose strands dancing along with the air, the simplicity, fitting right, there's no layering, no effort to enhance the given, simply accepted, nothing grandeur, and yet it's all right.

"Something feels off" halting Hyung let out, making me look around, the aura frequencies lower than usual, "I don't feel the usual pull, it's odd" he added making me feel uneasy.

'Ahn-In look around the area, inform Seo-Yoon that she's needed here' instructing my beta, I patted Hyung's shoulder comfortingly, trying to assure him that it was fine, "It's okay Hyung, they're looking around"

"That I know, but what's this heaviness-" caressing his chest with a frown he let out, puzzled by his words, I eyed him, trying to understand what he was talking about, Nodding at his words I looked over the Lake, the thickness of woods, illuminating over the calm waves, screams of shadows, silent and yet horrifying, shaking my head my eyes fell over her, now remembering her who stood awfully close to the water.

Her body stiff, void orbs focused over the edge, the immobility of her being, alarming, leaving me a bit shaken, "Hyung Erin-" my eyes grew twice its size, with a cry of alarm, as she took a step ahead, a growl leaving him as he ran to her, with me right behind.

She stared at him, blankly as he held her close, my eyes running over her, trying to look for any injury, a frown taking its place over her face, as she struggled to free herself, her discomfort, crawling over my skin, "What do you think you were doing?"

She flinched as he growled, her body trembling, reaching out to him, caressing his arm, I kept my eyes on her "Hyung, it's okay, calm down a bit" trying to soothe him, I held his forearm, "It's okay you can let her go" losing his grip over her, he let go, making her move away, her arms hugging herself, as she tried to calm down.

Focusing back at him, I cupped his face, our eyes on each other, "It's fine Hyung calm down, see I'm right here" nodding he snuggled close to me, my eyes involuntary going back to her, who wiped her tears, trying to get herself together.

"Tae!" flinching at the voice, a bit shocked, I stared confusingly at her direction, What the hell is she doing here? my uneasiness increased, as I watched her and other walking closer, with Seo-Yoon rushing towards Erin "Are you okay, no wonder I felt uneasy-" looking at Hyung she let out.

"It's nothing-" she nodded still examining him, her actions annoying me, "Just tell me what are you doing here-" he let out annoyed, slapping her hands away.

"You all went out, of course I'll join, I'm supposed to, get used to life here, aren't I?" her words caused a sudden pause in the environment, attracting all the eyes at Erin, who stared at us, her eyes holding the magnitude of black hole, the look oddly terrifying.

And there it was, the taste of regret, the endless abyss, in those eyes, somehow scared me, because they were lit with fury, the screams of pain were echoing deep within, and I knew, she wasn't stupid, she was reading it all, and probably understood it too, women they're all clever, no matter how the naïve the being is the betrayal always crawl over the skin.

And thou her eyes held the wrath of hell, there was nothing but silence, the ache within started to claw at me, and then I see, why is she- "Hyung! -"

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