29| TWENTY NINE | 이십구

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Watching the light freckles crowned over her face, I smiled, my heart all warm and fuzzy, the room filled of her fragrance, with her sleeping lightly in our sheets, the bed seeming no less than heaven, I looked at Hyung who slept beside her, his face delightful, even when he's asleep, arm resting over her waist, as he cuddled her, from the back, his face nestled in the crook of her neck, dress straps slid down exposing her skin to me.

My fingers dancing over her skin, specifically tracing the mole resting at her collar bone, the touch leaving her squirming a bit, as she tried to relax, the pad of my fingers burning at the feel, the slight movement of her legs, igniting fire within me, gulping at the sensation of her legs over mine, my heart thumped loudly against my chest, it all seemed unreal and unknown, my heart so full of happiness that I felt it might explode, unable to contain all this.

However, there's reality, once she wakes up, her fears, hatred all of it will return, what we did to her was beyond repair, we couldn't seek forgiveness as the prophecy still stood intact, where we're supposed to live without her, with these few days of our distance, we decided to let her go, these were the last few days of us together and then she'll be gone.

My heart hurt, my wolf growling in denial, looking away from her, I sat up, the world out there still drenching in wild cries and growls of the raging sky, sighing as my back faced her, I tried to keep my tears in, and before I can leave the heaven of our bed, I felt the burning touch of her over my skin, my body automatically jumping in action, turning around to be face to face with the most ethereal view the world could ever offer.

Her dark long matted hairs sprawled over her shoulders and the pillow, she was resting at, eyes wide, the dark earthly orbs, startled, drowning in worries, the dress barley keeping itself intact, as she supported herself with her left hand, while other maintained firm grip over mine, the look painful, snapping something in me, making me rush forward my hands cupping her face, gently.

"What's wrong?" I whispered my heart breaking, at the hurt her eyes flashed, words still stuck somewhere deep within her, her mouth moving, yet the words didn't leave her, the sadness in her eyes paining me, the hurt so deep and that it somehow woke Hyung up, his pheromones high, as he partly hovered above her, orbs slightly vermillion, as he inspect what hurt her "Shh you're safe"

I tried to assure, as Hyung sat up, now seeming a bit uncomfortable, "If it's because, of us touching you like that, then I'm sorry, we didn't know what else-" pausing he shook his head, "Well there's no excuse, I'm sorry-" he seemed hurt as he turned to leave, right before she held his hand, not leaving mine, broken sobs leaving her, as she stared at him.

Startled he stared at her, as she shook her head, No! her tears flowing nonstop, as she tried to stop him, whimpering and sobbing, her beautiful orbs drowning in pain, as she sniffled, hiccupping, and yet not leaving us, the pause in our responses and her cries a bit too longer than it should've been, as her grip weakened, before Hyung growled lowly, his form violently hovering above her, those dark orbs of his drenched in blood,

His wolf in complete control, sniffing her, his hands roughly travelling over her, low whines leaving her, at his touches, my eyes keen over his actions, just to make sure he isn't crossing lines, before he lowered his head over her chest, leaving me frozen in spot, his actions inappropriate, my eyes back over her who kept her eyes closed, the voices leaving her sinful, shivers ran down my spine, at her pleasured mewling.

Something in me, twisting as for the first time she didn't seemed scared, rather something in her seemed to be changing, Hyung's lips paused against her cleavage, as a pleasured groan left him, with the words of affirmation echoing behind, "Mine" and in an instant entire atmosphere changed, my own wolf at edge "You're Mine-" my wolf seemed to be jumping out of my skin as he too accepted her, her hands trembled in overwhelming pleasure, the pleasure of being accepted.

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