1 | ONE |일

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I  looked at the man in front of me, my eyes wide in shock, what sort of fiction I've entered into? failing to understand his words, as he spoke effortlessly, not really knowing my confusion.

My brain stuck into a temporary shut down, his words mixed to me, what is he talking about? too much to take in, as someone who barely understands facts with proper methodological approaches, his words were too much confusing.

"Are you even listening ?" he asked dragging me out of my trance, and looked at him blankly, whatever he said I completely zoned out on that, sighing he looked at me in disappointment "I think it's better if you do it Joon"  he said, I looked into the direction he looked, and wasn't even surprised to see them standing there, it's been three days, if I'm counting it right it's been three days, all of them well not all of them two are missing, still they just stand there and watch me being all miserable.

It won't be too strange that whenever I get out of here, or 'if I ever get out of here' I'll hate them to he guts, I flinched as the door opened and he entered, black hairs parted elegantly like always, dragon like eyes covered behind the glasses he wore, a apologetic grin on his face with his dimples on display, he stood a bit closer to the door.

Now on any other instance I would've fainted just because I saw him, but now his presence is only adding up to my anxiety, I looked at the man in front of me; as he let out an frustrated sigh and stood up "Just get done with this, and stop breaking things, I'm so done with getting everything repaired over and over again"  he said his eyes fixed at the broken door knob.

"Sorry  Hyung, I didn't mean to, you know it happens on its own"

"Whatever, just be fast you've got practice in an hour" the man informed as he exited the room.

I focused on the man in front of me, he sighed as he took his place in front of me, and maybe for the first time since I've followed them, he made me feel uncomfortably pathetic.

In past few days I've grown wary of them, my heart aches at the thought of me suffering and them just being there and looking at me, as if this an normal instance for them, It's easy to blame strangers and to hate them, but it's not so easy to hate the people you love and respect.

"I'm sure you're aware of who I am"  if there wasn't a cloth tied around my mouth I would've told him how well I know him, and I may or may not have punched him too, but that's not what's important right now.

He looked at me dead, his eyes totally different from before, his whole aura changing, right here at this moment where his eyes are locked with mine, I don't see the man I've been cheering for years, he's not the man who we've heard before, his eyes were red, he looked sinister to me, like a wild animal gazing at his prey.

I shivered in fear as adrenal rushed in my body, screaming at me to get out of here before something I don't wish happens, a smirk made its place on his face as he looked at my miserable state, he chuckled darkly almost mocking me, and I just looked at him disbelief, is he really the same man who wrote such comforting lyrics that it made millions cry their heart out?, is he really the same person?.

This Kim Namjoon seems far from the man who taught me how to live the life, to its fullest.



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