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Hi my dear lovely readers Agyani here so without dragging here and there I'mma get straight to the point. Not gonna lie when I began with Moira I didn't expected shit from it, even though I loved the plot and everything about it, still throughout the making of it I remained extremely uncertain and insecure about it since I'm not confident about my writing.

It might sound a bit strange but I always avoid rereading my work since once I began I just can't refrain myself from changing stuff around and trust me that's an annoying trait I've got. Anyways I still can't believe we've reached 4K.

I'd like to thank each one of you who took time out of your life to read my book, and I know this isn't the best book out there and it's full of mistakes, shortcomings in short a lot of shit. Even then I can't help but be extremely grateful for all of you, I mean it's not a big deal, for you all to read a book like this but It means the whole world to me. So thank you all from the bottom of my heart for giving this immature work your precious time.

Now I'm currently working on two more books and No they're not fanfictions (unfortunately for some) but I do have some ideas for fanfictions too. However I decided to first focus over my OC's and I could never not be any more grateful of any of you. But It'll be really encouraging for me if you'll stop by over my ongoing works too.

However I'm well aware that not many people like waiting so they like reading completed works after all I myself despise cliffhangers. So It'll be really awesome if you all can give me a follow and look forward to my other works when they'll be completed (I really hope I won't take a whole ass year again to complete one book)

And I might add some side stories to this book I mean I don't know how long it'll take before I do that cause I literally just got this idea while writing this very message I swear I'm such a mess at times like these. But I sure as hell wish to do some side stories of the guys and other characters so you all can archive Moira. It'll get you connected again as fast as I'll update again you all can also leave your suggestions for what you'll like to read for the side stories and who'll you'll like to read.

However I won't be expecting a lot Afterall, all of you are silent readers but still I can dream, and I'd also say this here that my books are always going to be a safe space for you all so don't really worry about much I'mma make sure this always remains a safe place for you all to speak of your opinions in short (lowkey already expecting a lot) you all can say whatever you feel.

Anyways I don't really have a lot to say except repeating thankyou for a million times, so I'mma end this here so you all can go and read you fav books. I hope you all are having a great time in your lives if not then I wish for the better for you. Trust me even if it seems it might not get better I can assure you that it sure will and if it's all going good then I wish it get's excellent.

Stay safe, wear masks and of course be hydrated and I'll see you all soon probably here if not then you know where (my other books) and I love you all a lot thanks a lot for 4K once again.

BORAHAE 💜💜💜💜💜💜

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