5 | FIVE | 오

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I looked at kook as he walked out of the kitchen, munching on some chips, despite having a full course mean not even an hour ago, Hobi Hyung's eyes stern over his choice of snacks, still letting it slide, he sat comfortably beside Joon Hyung, "How did it go?" Joon Hyung asked his voice, soft, I took a look around, observing them.

It didn't take to be a genius, to know that they've noticed changes in me after my meeting with her, and I'm well aware of the fact that my feelings are hurtful, they'll hurt kook too, I gulped still conflicted "Don't worry Hyung, I'm prepared for it, I trust you"

feeling a bit lighter by his words, I intertwined our fingers, looking for his warmth before beginning "I don't know Hyung, since I met her, I'm just restless, she's nothing like I thought she'll be, meeting her, I couldn't feel, anything more than pity for her" Kook's arms came around me as he embraced me.

"I thought I'll feel something, anything when, I'll see her, though, all I saw was a pathetic human dying to free herself from a situation which for sure isn't favorable for her" Jimin looked at me, confusion evident in his features.

"If the prophecy is correct then, why you're not feeling anything at all for her?" I understood his words well, not being able to understand the situation I've been restless too, if we saw something, anything known, we would've known what to do, but with nothing in view, it's harder to operate.

"She hates me though, quite a lot, I doubt she'll miss a chance of killing me, if given" I muttered my fingers running through kook's soft locks, he scoffed rolling his eyes, obviously not caring a bit about such absurd comment.

"Even if she does hates you, she can't do anything, she doesn't have that much time in hand anyway-" I looked at him in confusion, what does he mean by not having much time? "Yoongi Hyung and I have figured it out already and Joon Hyung accepted too, so it'll be sorted before anyone will know"

"Yoongi Hyung?" Jimin raised a brow looking at Joon Hyung who nodded in agreement, "Do we need wine?"

"Why would we need wine Jimin?"

"It's something Yoongi Hyung was involved in, I couldn't listen to his shit without alcohol, it gets too dark for my personality" Yoongi Hyung glared at him who grinned before actually making a run for wine, I sighed at his weird nonsense.

Shaking his head Hobi Hyung looked at Yoongi Hyung "What is it then?" he asked before taking a glass of water, Yoongi Hyung smirked looking at me.

"Only an idiot lets the cause of his demise live" he shrugged, Hobi Hyung choked on water, falling into a long-pained coughing fit, with Joon Hyung patting his back, sympathetically, before any of us could talk, I flinched at the noise of loud crash.

Caused by none other than fully sober, yet out of mind Jimin, who broke entire bottle of wine, before rushing to Yoongi Hyung, and jumping at him "YAH! Hyung you're getting too passionate with death, aren't you? If Jin Hyung heard you, he'll kill all of ushe exclaimed and without a question I agreed.

"For saying this you don't have to straddle me"

"I couldn't care any less Hyung"

Knowing how Jin Hyung will grace us with hell's wrath, if something like that happened to her, I shivered, his morals still very intact in his mind, and considering her innocence, he might very well, have us all slaughtered than her.

"That's why stay quiet-" I gulped at Joon Hyung's words, is this really the only way? "And it'll be done before anyone will know" no matter what we are, and how many wars we've deal with, killing innocent isn't something we've ever come to, I looked at kook who without any care munched over his chips, perfectly out of conflicts.

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