30 | THIRTY | 삼십

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Looking at him I sighed for the hundredth time, "Hyung, stop moving around, I'm getting nauseous by your movements-" halting Hyung glared at Sung-Ho, smiling innocently, he tried to get off hook, where heaven knows he's in deep shit, and that smile is of terror.

"Where were you when this happened?"

"Where was I? That's a very good question"

"You're not going to tell me?"


Frustrated I glared at him, my anger barely holding up, if not for the relations, and all past deeds of his, he would've been lying dead in front of us, "You're telling me the human saw her! saw my baby, and you were not there, not doing the only damned thing you're expected to be doing right!" my vision glowed red as I was losing control, "This fucking lizard, couldn't even take care of his own master, you useless piece of shit!"

"Master chose me, I'm not useless, she told me I'm precious-"

"Well, she fucking chose wrong! she made a mistake-"

"She made a mistake when she fell for you! -" his words struck me as lightning, "My master made mistake of loving you, she loved you so much, she was always happy, but you made her like this!" his cries echoing through the room "Are you happy now! Huh! Hyung are you happy now! You made me say this are you happy now? -"  hugging my torso, he whimpered.

Reminding me that he's just a kid, a kid with heavy responsibilities, my baby never chose wrong-

"Daddy!" I hummed against her skin, my lips leaving butterfly kisses over her skin, as we laid over bed, "Daddy you know Sung-Ho always took care of me, right!" humming again, I slid her shirt down, my face resting over bare shoulder, as she caressed my hairs, "I was thinking, what will happen to him, once I start living with you"

"He can live with his family-"

"But daddy he doesn't have family-" raising my head now looking into her eyes, I saw her concern, "Daddy, sung-Ho is only a few years older than me, other Wyverns are mean to him-" pouting she traced my lips as I also agreed, that for his strong magical inheritance, he still was young, sighing I looked back at her, knowing well where she was going with this.


"Daddy! Please-"

"Baby you know well I can't take a wyvern in just like that-"

"But Daddy-"

"However, I think there's someone who can-" looking at Hyung who just entered the room I mumbled, her eyes lighting up, as she pressed a chaste kiss to my lips, hurriedly turning around, not even caring about the shirt sliding off her body as she ran to him, startling him as he held her safely.

"Woah, slow down baby, you're really flying now!" holding her against himself as she giggled, he walked close to the bed, "What have you in such rush?" laying her down and hovering over her he let out, his aura a bit dark, giggling adorably she looked at me, making me chuckle.

"Daddy-" Hyung watched amused as she clings to him, acting cute to get him in the trap she was setting, "Daddy I was a good girl" she told him, making him chuckle.

"Were you now baby?" nodding enthusiastically she looked at him with all the stars in her eyes, "Then you should be rewarded, what do you want?" smiling excitingly she batted her eyes at him.

"Can we bring Sung-Ho in daddy?" looking at me he raised an eyebrow, making me shrug, "Please daddy, Sung-Ho is my only family, he has no friends, and other people always bully him, without me, he'll be alone, and what if others hurt him, I don't want him hurt daddy, let him please daddy" watching her, he leaned in wiping the light tears escaping her eyes.

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