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The sound of the phone ringing brought Jungkook back to present. He put down his brush and checked the caller ID to see that Taehyung was calling him.

Jungkook took a seat on a stool and answered the call, "I'm busy so make it quick."

"Jeon Jungkook!" Taehyung shouted his name, causing Jungkook to jerk the phone away from his ears.

"Can you not shout? I almost lost my hearings!"

"You didn't tell me you came back to Korea and you had the audacity to act like nothing happened? If Jimin didn't tell me I thought you would want to settle down in New York for good," Taehyung complained.

"I only went there for a year and I don't think New York air suits me. Well at least I got to expand my skills on painting. Talking about it, I need to finish this drawing because the due date is near. I need to send this to my client," Jungkook said as he took a look at the painting in front of him.

Taehyung smiled though Jungkook couldn't see it. He's happy that his friend had something to do and whisked away his mind from thinking about her. It had been 2 years since the day she left him and Jungkook seems to not be himself.

He didn't drink nor flirt with random women like he did when Yubin left him. Instead, his mind seemed to be somewhere else, as if his body was just an empty shell and his soul was taken away.

"Glad you're doing well," Taehyung replied. "Well, I'm currently not in Seoul and will be back next week. Let's meet up, okay?"

Jungkook smiled. "Yeah, let's do that." He strolled towards the kitchen to grab himself another cup of coffee. "Oh, I forgot that I will be at Jeju next week. Let's meet after I come back to Seoul."

He hung up the call after they bid goodbye. Jungkook admitted that he missed his friends a lot and it's not his intention to not meet them after he came back to Korea. He was so caught up with his work that he forgot to give them a call or invite them to his new apartment.

Jungkook only had the chance to tell Jimin since the latter sent him an invitation to his wedding which will happen in 2 months time. He was glad that Jimin finally settled down with the woman that he loves, Jihyo.

He never thought that they would be so in love with each other and were inseperable. It then crossed his mind of the possibility that she might come since Jihyo was her best friend. His heart beat at the idea of meeting her again after 2 years.

Ever since the day she left him at the cafe, she never once left his mind. He tried but failed to do so. It didn't help that Mina resembles her a lot.

Though Mina looked like her, Jungkook's heart won't beat the same as when he was with her. "I miss you so much," he muttered to himself.


The Incheon airport was bustled with people as Jungkook brought his small bag to the waiting area. He was wearing a simple oversized t-shirt and jeans - his all time favourite outfit. Jungkook took off his sunglasses and cast his glance around to look for an empty seat.

When he found one, he quickly went to the empty seat before someone took it. Jungkook put his bag on the floor and took out his airpods; He got some time before his flight to Jeju.

Jungkook took out his sketchbook and thought about killing some time while waiting for his scheduled flight. He loves to draw during his free time, a habit that he developed since he decided to jump his career to an artist.

Being a businessman was never his dream - it was what his family wanted. Jungkook always loves arts and dancing but he was no longer able to dance due to his leg injury. Now that he was no longer Jeon's heir, he's free to do anything he wanted.

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