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Jungkook didn't know what the person in front of him was talking about. He only saw his mouth moving but whatever he was talking passed through Jungkook like a blowing wind outside; it didn't get through his head at all.

Jungkook stared blankly at the person in front of him. His mind wandered to somewhere else.

The fact that this guy talked a lot annoyed Jungkook but just bear with it since he's his client. He didn't know if what the guy was babbling made sense anymore but he couldn't care less. He already got the rough idea of what he requested and they met only to sign the deal and make the payment for the deposit.

Jungkook guessed he's a one chatty guy. He wondered if his mouth ever got dry from talking too much.

My wife. Sehun's word rang inside his head. The picture of him wrapping his arm around her waist etched inside Jungkook's memory and he can't get rid of it. It's like a constant reminder to him that she's off the market.

"Have you dated before?" The guy's sudden question jolted Jungkook back to present. "Judging from your appearance, you must have one."

"I don't have anyone," Though initially he didn't want to answer him, he still did.

"Really?" He was surprised. He casted his glance around to see that a few girls that were sitting in the cafe were eyeing Jungkook the moment they landed their eyes on him. He shrugged.

The sound of people gasped brought their attention towards the door at the incoming guy that just entered the cafe. His presence exudes an aura that one can't resist; he's handsome, tall and fashionable. Even the way he walked made it look like he's doing a fashion show on a runaway.

The guy took a seat near a window and crossed his long legs as he raked his slender fingers through his hair.

"Chae Hyungwon always brings attention wherever he goes," the guy in front of Jungkook said.

"He must be famous here in Jeju," Jungkook said nonchalantly as he took a sip of his coffee. "So, Mr. Song, I got the rough idea of how you wanted the painting to look like. I will start once you sign the document here." Jungkook passed him the document. "And pay the...." he trailed off when his eyes caught a familiar figure that just entered the cafe.

What is she doing here? Jungkook didn't realised that he said it out loud and caught Mr. Song's attention as he turned around to look at the woman that Jungkook was looking at.

"Do you know, Tae Hee?" Mr. Song asked. "Oh, you probably know since you both came from Seoul."

"Her name is Tae Hee?"

"Yeah, it's Yoon...oh wait, is it Oh Tae Hee now." Mr. Song rubbed his chin as he tried to remember her right surname.

Right, she's married to Oh Sehun so her surname should be 'Oh'.

Jungkook saw that Tae Hee walked towards the handsome guy and she said something to him before the guy invited her to sit in front of him. She was still oblivious to Jungkook's presence.

He didn't know what business they had together but she looked kind of awkward in front of him. She even dressed nicely as if she's going on a date with the guy.

"She must have another blind date again," Mr. Song said as if he can read Jungkook's mind.

Jungkook's forehead creased. "Blind date again? Isn't she married?" He didn't understand what did Mr. Song meant by blind date again.

Finally, Jungkook now got interested and anticipating in what the guy in front of him is going to say next.

Mr. Song, who's known by the town people as the gossiper, smiled widely when Jungkook was paying an interest in his gossip. He took pride in how good he is at gaining information about people. Even the new people who just came to Jeju like Tae Hee wouldn't be able to get away from his prying eyes and ears.

Masquerade // Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now