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"I love you."

His expression was serious and full of hope as he uttered those three words. It took him every courage that he had to let loose that feeling. His hands felt cold and clammy and as he waited for the woman that he loves with all his heart to give her reply.

The woman was speechless at the sudden confession. She felt numb and her body froze. She felt like there's a lump in her throat that kept her from uttering any words. She bit her lower lips and fiddled with her fingers. After a few second, she finally gained her strength to reply.

"I-" she stuttered. "I-"

"Just say it!" Tae Hee whisper-yelled. Her hands balled into a fist while her eyes glued to the big screen. She was at the edge of her seat as the curiosity was killing her. When the confession was unsuccessful, she laid back on her seat feeling frustrated since the heroine of the movie failed to give her answer.

Jungkook chuckled at her reaction. She was mumbling a complain about the scene that just played on the screen. He found it amusing on how focus she was and Tae Hee didn't even spare any glance at him. It irked him a bit when Tae Hee smiled and complimented how handsome Rowoon is in the movie – more to he felt jealous about it.

After an hour Jungkook could hear the sound of someone sniffling coming from his side. He turned to look at Tae Hee and found out that she was crying. She wiped the tears with the handkerchief that she brought in her purse.

Jungkook shifted his attention back to the screen and saw a scene where the hero and the heroine of the movie met again after a year apart; they broke up due to a reason that he didn't understand since Jungkook didn't really pay attention to the movie. Romance movie is not his cup of a tea.

"How sweet," Tae Hee muttered after the movie ended. She wiped the remaining tears from her eyes. "Your friend is a good director!" she exclaimed. They were walking towards the exit door of the cinema.

"Do you enjoy the movie?" Jungkook asked.

"Of course! That was a great movie!"

"Glad that you like them," he smiled and both of them went towards a hall where an interview with the main actors and actresses of the movie will be held in a few minutes. "Let's sit here." Jungkook guided her towards the second row from the front so that she will get a better look of the actors and actresses.

"This is my first time coming to a movie premiere," Tae Hee said with an excited tone. She looked around the hall and found out some of the audiences were celebrities. "I don't expect to meet celebrities here – besides the actors and actresses of the movie, of course."

"I guess my friend invited them."

"Do you meet celebrities every day?" Tae Hee asked.

"Not every day," Jungkook chuckled. "I do meet them sometimes. Jimin and Taehyung meet celebrities more frequent than me since they work in a modelling industry."

Tae Hee nodded as she listened to him. "I guess you guys must have dated at least one celebrity before."

"I never date any celebrities before," Jungkook said. "I'm not joking," he added when Tae Hee squinted her eyes at him in disbelief.

"Have you date anyone before?" She tilted her head. Why did you ask a question with an obvious answer, Tae Hee?

"Of course I did."

There you go, the obvious answer.

Her attention was shifted when the MC announced the name of the actors and actresses of the movie. They made their appearance on the stage and waved at the cameras. Tae Hee didn't realise that Jungkook's expression changed a bit after he replied to her – she was too focus on the event that just started. Her eyes gleamed when she saw Rowoon coming up on the stage.

Masquerade // Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now