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Jungkook leaned on the bar, his fingers traced on the rim of the glass filled with his favourite Vodka. His eyes glued to the drink in front of him as his mind brought him back to the memories that he thought he already erased, yet it still lingered with him.

"Yubin..." he trailed off as the name passed through his lips.

Jungkook took a sip of his drink. It travelled down his throat. Jungkook winced at the burning sensation inside his gut. He's not the type to let himself get drunk – it had been years ago since he let himself do so as to numb the pain that refused to go away – but today he wanted to let lose all those feelings again.

Yubin was the woman that he used to adore so much. She was the summer where the sun and breeze embraces him, making him feels warm. Her dark brown orbs and curls were the only thing he wished to be tangled in his fingers.

Her beautiful smiles were like a drug that he can't get enough with. It provided him those comfort that he was finding his entire life. She was one of the reason he felt like he could breathe peacefully in this cruel world – the world that he desperately wanted to escape.

Ironically, Yubin became one of the reason he felt suffocated as if the air was sucked out of him.

"I never love you," was the last word Jungkook heard from Yubin. He was used. She never once loves him. It was all fake and a game to her. She loves his money, his fame, his power.

Jungkook thought Yubin was different from those girls who had been chasing him around. Maybe he was just a stupid boy who was blinded by love. He was just 19 years old when he first met her at the dance academy and Yubin was 20 at that time. They got together a year after they got to know each other.

To Yubin, Jungkook was just a rich lover boy that she can toy with. She took an advantage of his immense love towards her.

To Jungkook, she was everything that he could wish for.

After Jungkook met Yubin, he thought that not all women are like his mother – a person that he never knows how she look like. No one knows that he's a son of a mistress, the result of a sin that his father had done with another woman. No one except the Jeon family and his closest friends.

"I was stupid to believe that she loves me like how I did," Jungkook scoffed. He took another sip of his Vodka. "I should've known it but I was stupid for letting myself fell into her trap."

"Why would you be stupid?" An alluring female voice hauled Jungkook out of his thoughts.

Jungkook slowly turned around to face the owner of the voice, only to find her looking at him with a smile plastered on her doll-like face. Her long blonde hair was swept on one side and it cascaded down her chest. Her red dress was shimmering under the dim light.

She turned around her body to face Jungkook. "Love is just a stupid thing. Why would one let themselves become the slave of love?"

Jungkook chuckled. "Because love is like a drug. Once you get the taste of it, you become addicted to it."

The woman smirked as she leaned closer towards him. "But I think you're like a drug too." She traced his fingers along his arm and her eyes followed the movement of his fingers before she looked up at him again.

"Why don't we go and have fun somewhere and forget about this love thingy." This time she leaned closer towards his ear. "I promise it will be much more fun," she whispered seductively. Her strong perfume invaded his nostrils. He didn't know whether he already started to get drunk or her perfume has some sort of spell inside but he got addicted to it.

Jungkook looked into her eyes when the woman leaned backwards. His lips twitched into a smile.

30 minutes later, both Jungkook and the blonde woman were kissing hungrily as Jungkook kicked the door behind him shut. They were at a hotel room a few minutes away from the club. Jungkook pushed the woman onto the bed and took off the blazer before he threw it onto God knows where. He hovered above the woman before she pulled his face towards her and they were kissing again.

Masquerade // Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now