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Jungkook tried his hardest not to laugh at Tae Hee when the latter scratched her head while looking at the map inside her phone.

"I swear this is the right road..." she mumbled while she casted her glance around and the beach that they were about to go was nowhere to be seen.

"Miss, are you sure we're at the right route because we had been circling at the same place for the past few minutes," Jungkook giggled.

Tae Hee pouted at him. "Maybe we should bring Sehun along." She sighed.

"I rather we lost then," Jungkook said and continued walking. "Should we take the next incoming bus?" He felt uncomfortable with Sehun since the guy kept on giving him a sceptical look; it was different from those friendly looks that he gave when they first met. It's like he changed into a whole different person when he learned about who Jungkook is.

Unlike Sehun, his mother seemed to have a different opinion about Jungkook. She was excited when she found out that Tae Hee finally picked an interest in a man.

"I think I don't have money inside the card. We should find the nearest shop to top up," she said sheepishly.

Jungkook shrugged. "Let's continue walking."

Tae Hee didn't want to say it to Jungkook but the back of her heels were getting sore from too much walking. She cursed at herself for not wearing her usual sneakers but she wanted to look more presentable to him; thus the one inch heels that she's wearing right now.

"I should have worn sneakers," she muttered to herself and walked a bit slower than Jungkook.

"Are you okay?" Jungkook asked when he noticed she hobbled a bit. His eyes landed on the heels that she's wearing.

"Yeah, I'm fi....Jungkook, what are you doing?" She was surprised when Jungkook kneeled with his back facing her.

"I'll carry you," he said.

"No, that's fine I can walk," she refused.

"You would limp by the time we reach the beach. Come on."

Tae Hee looked down at her dress. "But, uh, I'm wearing a dress."

Jungkook stood up and turned around to her. He took off his denim jacket and wrapped it around her waist. Tae Hee blushed when their faces were so near with each other and his cheeks would occasionally touch hers.

"There you go." He smiled at her.

After a few minutes of arguing, Tae Hee gave up and climbed on Jungkook's back or else he refused to walk. His back was so warm and so comfortable; it felt like home. Tae Hee could feel that her heart was pounding against her ribcage and luckily Jungkook couldn't see how much she blushed when their cheeks touched.

She didn't know that Jungkook too was nervous and his heart skipped a beat. He tried to keep himself composed and hoped that Tae Hee couldn't see how red his face was.

"Am I heavy?" she asked when she noticed that sweats started to form on his forehead and his face flushed a bit.

"You are but I'm fine. Don't worry," he chuckled.

"You can put me down. I think I can see the beach already." She pointed at the beach not far from where they were.

Jungkook stopped and turned his head slightly to look at her. She was startled at their proximity. His lips were a few inches from her. "I'm just kidding. You're as light as a feather," he said with a smile.

"Keep on walking then." She pushed his face to look forward when she felt like her face heated and she didn't want him to see it. Jungkook let out a small laughter and continued walking.

Masquerade // Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now