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The ride towards home was so silent that Tae Hee felt uncomfortable. Both her and Jungkook chose not to speak and the latter focused on the road ahead as he drove the car. She hugged the plushie toys while staring at the window. How she wished that her house was not far because the thick silence was killing her.

After what felt like ages, they finally reached Tae Hee's apartment. She secretly sighed in relief that the journey had ended.

Tae Hee cleared her throat and said, "Thanks for giving me a ride home."

Jungkook glanced at her. "No worries. Thanks for coming today."

Another silence followed as they both had no idea what they should say next.

"Sorry about earlier," she finally said something again. "I hope I don't ruin your birthday with my cowardliness." She rubbed the back of her neck and her cheeks were tinted in red.

Jungkook blinked for a second before he laughed at it. "That's fine. I actually had fun today." His laughter died down when he remembered the moment where he almost kissed her. He thought that he's the one who almost ruined the day.

Tae Hee smiled at him. "Glad you enjoyed your birthday. I still haven't given you any presents yet but I'll get something for you tomorrow." Honestly she didn't know what she should buy for him since she never buy any present for a guy except her late father.

"Hmm." Jungkook placed his finger on his chin as if he was thinking about something. "What about you buying me lunch tomorrow?"

"Really? Is it okay if I just buy you lunch?"

"Yeah." Jungkook nodded.

Tae Hee grinned wider. "Great. Let's go for lunch tomorrow. Your pick."

"I don't mind any. You choose it for me," he replied.

"Can I?" She raised her brows and Jungkook replied with a nod. "Okay. I'll decide where to eat. I'll tell you tomorrow."

"Great. I'll pick you up tomorrow at 1 PM." Jungkook said. He was excited that they will go on a date tomorrow. It may be the best birthday present for him.

Tae Hee turned to face Jungkook and say her final goodbye. "Guess I'll see you again tomorrow." She picked up her bag and hugged it along with her plushie toys.

"See you tomorrow." Jungkook smiled at her.

Tae Hee got out of the car and waved at him before he drove off. The smile never left her face as she watched the car until it disappeared from her sight.


Seonghwa shuffled towards the kitchen and opened the fridge before he took a gulp of cold water from a bottle. He took a seat on a chair and leaned his cheek on his palm. "That smells nice."

"What time are you going back to Seoul?" Mrs. Park asked as she stirred the beef stew.

"In 2 hours," Seonghwa replied. "Is the food ready?"

"Yeah. I'm about to pack them soon." She suddenly stopped stirring and turned around to look at her son. "Now that I think about it, why would you want me to pack the beef stew? It's not even your favourite food. Usually you would ask for soy crab instead." She tilted her head.

Seonghwa looked at his mother and grinned. "I just feel like eating it later when I'm back in Seoul."

Mrs. Park was not convinced by his answer. She squinted her eyes at Seonghwa. "Is this for someone?" she smirked.

Seonghwa's smile faltered. Did she catch me lying? "! I told you I'm going to eat them later," he stuttered.

"Yeah you will." Mrs. Park snorted when she caught her son lying. She turned around and added the last ingredient to the stew. "I wonder who's the lucky girl that gets to eat my special beef stew."

Masquerade // Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now