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Tae Hee was queuing as she scanned the various sandwiches menu written on the board that was hanging on the wall behind the counter. She didn't know what to eat as this was her first time buying at a sandwich shop. The shop was located a few metres away from Lee's Corporation. They have different types of breads as well as wraps and various choices of fillings and sauces. She thought she want to call Seonghwa for lunch but she just remembered he went to Japan for a business matter.

"Hi," Tae Hee smiled at the worker behind the counter as her turned to order came. "What do you suggest in the menu?" she asked.

The worker was about to suggest something when someone interrupted him. "They have a very good Teriyaki chicken here. You can choose wheatmeal bread if you're on diet,". Tae Hee turned around to look at the person who was talking to her. It was a guy with a blonde hair and small almond shape eyes. The guy was smiling at her. Tae Hee felt awkward at his sudden interruption.

"I'll pay for the sandwich if you end up not liking it."

There was a minute of silence before the worker decided to ask again. "Would you like to have Teriyaki sandwich, miss?"

Tae Hee shifted her attention back towards the worker. "Uh, yeah. I think I'll have it with a cup of Americano please." She paid for her meal and took a seat near a window. Most of the customers in the shop came with their friends or had a takeaway.

It's been almost two weeks since Tae Hee started working as a head of a marketing department in the company. She worked in a marketing team before but she never expects to become the head of a department. It was Mina's original position after her father decided to let her work in the company. According to Seonghwa, she travelled a lot before after she finished her study in New York.

Tae Hee propped her elbows on the table and leaned her cheek against the back of her hand as she stared out at the window.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" The same man that suggested her the food suddenly came beside her.

Tae Hee looked up at him and then to the few empty tables in the café. She didn't understand why this guy wanted to sit with her.

"It's boring to eat alone, don't you think?" He took a seat opposite of her, not caring to wait for her respond. Tae Hee gaped at his daring action. "I'm Jimin, Jungkook's best friend."

"How do you-"

"I saw you with Jungkook last time – if you're wondering how I knew you. I knew you're his fiancé but I didn't know your name. He didn't tell me that part." Jimin grinned at her.

"Oh." She hesitated a bit. Tae Hee still found it hard to introduce herself as Mina – sometimes she almost introduces her real name. "I'm Mina." At that moment, hers and Jimin's pager buzzed at the same time.

"I'll take it for you." Jimin stood up and went to the pick-up counter. After a minute, he came back with a tray in his hands.

"Thanks," Tae Hee muttered. She unwrapped the wrapper and took a small bite of the sandwich. Her eyes grew wider as the Teriyaki sauce melted into her mouth.

"I told you it's delicious," Jimin chuckled when he saw her reaction. He unwrapped his sandwich and took a bite of it.

"Are you a regular here?" Tae Hee asked. "How do you know this sandwich tastes so good?" She took another bite of it.

"Oh, it's not me. Jungkook is the one who suggested me this place before and he specifically told me about this Teriyaki sandwich."

"Oh." So it's Jungkook's favourite.

"Do you have any boyfriend or anyone you like?" Jimin's sudden question caused her to almost choke on her Americano. "Sorry, I'm just asking."

"No," she answered shortly.

Masquerade // Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now