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"Would you like a tea or a coffee? Or maybe a hot chocolate since it started raining heavily outside and you might feel a bit cold," Tae Hee asked as Jungkook entered the house. She opened the cupboard in her kitchen to see if she had any tea left.

"Tea please," Jungkook answered. He took off his coat and hung it on the clothes hanger near the entrance door. "Do you need any help?" Jungkook leaned against the door of the kitchen as his eyes trained on Tae Hee who was busy looking for a mug.

"No, that's fine. You can sit in the living room. I'll be there in 5 minutes." She smiled and shooed him away.

Jungkook chuckled and made his way to the living room. This was the third time he'd been here but he never really paid attention to the interior of the house. He looked around the house and realised that it was pretty simple for a woman's house - she had all the basic furniture for a house but lack of decorations. Not a single photo of her hangs inside and Jungkook thought that women love to hang their photos inside their house.

Did she just move in? The house looked plain. Maybe she's planning to move to a new house. He took a seat on the sofa. His eyes stopped at the television screen in front of him and he let out a small laugh. didn't know she likes Disney movies.

"The rain is getting heavier." Tae Hee placed a mug of tea on the coffee table in front of Jungkook and took a seat beside him, making sure there's a distance between them.

"The weather is getting colder too." Jungkook took a sip of the hot tea. "Do you like Disney movies?"

"Huh?" Tae Hee realised that her television was playing a Disney movie. "Well, not really. I just don't know what to watch." She rubbed her nape.

"I like Peter Pan. I don't know how many times I watch that movie but I never get tired of it." Jungkook smiled. "Don't you think Peter Pan is cool? I wish I could live in Neverland."

Tae Hee turned to look at Jungkook. "So you like to be forever young and free?"

"Isn't that what adults wish to be; forever young and free without any worries. I can explore as much as I want and what's more important, no adult will pester and tell you what you should do or be." His tone was laced with a tinge of frustration. Deep inside, he wished he's not born into the Jeon family. People might think he's living his life to the fullest but in reality, he's like a caged bird - thanks to his friends, he feels like he can breath a bit.

Jungkook felt like he's paying for the sin that his father had done. He once heard his previous nanny talk to his butler when he was just 7 years old.

'I felt pity for the Young Master. Mr Jeon would have abandon him if it's not because of Mrs. Jeon's infertility. Poor boy.'

Jungkook didn't know who his biological mother was and he never once thought about finding her. He resented his mother for leaving him with his heartless father.

"Don't you think Peter Pan is just a lonely boy?" Tae Hee's question snapped Jungkook back from his train of thoughts.

"Why do you think like that?"

"Neverland is like a world that he created himself - an escape world from reality. If you look at it closely, he's just lonely. He had been wandering inside Neverland, not knowing what and where he should go. He kept on walking and playing with those magical creatures. That's why he invited Wendy to his world so that he will feel less lonely there. He knew that no matter how far his journey in Neverland, he still needed another human in his world but refused to grow up and face reality."

Tae Hee covered her mouth when she realised what she just blurted out. "I mean..." She bit her lower lips. Damn it, Tae Hee! You should think before you speak! "Uh, I...didn't mean to say Peter Pan is bad. I...sorry," she stuttered. Does he feel offended by it?

Masquerade // Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now