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The boy's doe eyes stared at Tae Hee as the latter gave him a spoonful of mashed potato. He ate the food and giggled when Tae Hee cooed at him. He kicked his legs in the air to show his excitement and clapped his little hands.

"Look at my little munchkin." Tae Hee pinched his chubby cheek. "Are you happy that daddy is here?"

"Of course he's happy. Am I right, my handsome Hyunwoo?" Sehun took his little hands and gave it a kiss. A wide smile decorated his face as he looked at his son. "You're handsome because you look a lot like me."

"Of course it's because he took after me." Tae Hee stuck her tongue at Sehun. "Right, Hyunwoo?"

The boy giggled and reached out his hands, asking for Tae Hee to carry him in which she gladly did it. He played with her hair as he rested his head on her shoulder.

Sehun smiled brightly at his two beloved people. "Thank you for always taking a great care of Hyunwoo and being a good mother to him."

Tae Hee smiled back at Sehun. She was always grateful for what he had done to her. "I'm always grateful to you too. I don't know how I will live if we don't meet."

When she first came here, Sehun and his family were the one who helped her to build a new life in Jeju. They provided her a place to live and she got a job at their small cafe despite her being a stranger to them.

The happy times that she spent here managed to whisk her thoughts away from her troubles and sadness. Sehun even helped her to set up her mother's funeral when she died a few weeks after Tae Hee left for Jeju

"Well, you better be, honey," Sehun winked at her.

Tae Hee cringed at his sudden flirtation. "You're giving me a goosebump." She shuddered. "Well, I'm going to the market. Mother went to meet her friends. Can you take care of Hyunwoo?"

Sehun glanced at his watch. "The delivery people will come to send those coffee beans to the cafe. I need to check on it before I go to see Jiwoo. I think you need to bring Hyunwoo with you," he said. "Hyunwoo, when are you going to say daddy." He pouted.

Hyunwoo looked at Sehun and then to Tae Hee. "Mama!" he said with his little cute voice. Tae Hee and Sehun's eyes widened as they both stared at Hyunwoo. The little boy giggled and repeated, "Mama!"

"That's not fair!" Sehun whined like a child. "Hyunwoo, say 'daddy' please?"

"Mama!" the boy repeated the same word which caused Tae Hee to snort.

"Okay, munchkin. Let's go to the market with mama," Tae hee smiled triumphantly at Sehun. The latter rolled his eyes and pouted.

"I will make him call me soon. You better watch it," he said to Tae Hee.


Jungkook laid on the soft bed after he took a refreshing shower. He stared at the ceiling blankly and his mind wandered to the scene that he saw earlier. It never crossed his mind that she would be getting married and have a child with another man beside him.

Has she moved on? Or...she never moved on because like she said, she never loved me....

He shook his head. I'm sure she had a feeling for me. Those eyes when she stared at me, I'm sure it's love.

Jungkook sat up and bit his lower lips. "If she's married, why didn't Jimin tell me? He must have known about it. Did he and Jihyo keep it a secret from me?" He tilted his head.

Jungkook reached for his phone and dialled Jimin's number. He tapped his foot and bit his nails as he waited for Jimin to answer the call.

To his dismay, it went to the mailbox and Jungkook groaned frustratedly. He threw the phone on the bed and stood up before he crossed to the small hotel room's balcony.

Masquerade // Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now