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"Pretend to be Miss Mina?!" Jihyo shrieked.

"SHHH! You are being too loud!" Tae Hee shushed her. "Seonghwa said to keep it secret from everyone."

"But you already tell me though."

"I already told him about you and he agreed to let you know about it. After all, you will know about it anyway but he warned you to not tell anyone. So you need to keep this a secret." Tae Hee chewed on her rolled egg.

"Have you sign it?"

"Not yet. I need some time to think." Tae Hee sighed.

"Sign it," Jihyo said.

"What?!" Tae Hee choked on her rice. She patted on her chest before she continued. "Are you serious Park Jihyo? Are you aware of what you are saying right now?"

"Yeah. Look, that chairman offers to pay your debt, your mom's bill and you get a huge salary on top of it. I don't see any harm to it. All you have to do is pretending to be their daughter."

"Do you forget that I need to be Jeon Jungkook's fiancé? I don't even know who he is and if Miss Mina – well if she unfortunately dies, I need to pretend to be her for the rest of my life and marrying someone I don't even love."

Jihyo dropped the chopsticks that she was holding when her ears caught on Jeon Jungkook's name. "Yoon Tae Hee! Are you seriously didn't know who is Jeon Jungkook?" Jihyo slammed her hands on the kitchen island.

Tae Hee flinched a bit and raised her eyebrow in annoyance. "What? Is he someone I supposed to know? A celebrity?"

Jihyo pulled her bob hair in frustration. "I can't believe this! I get that you're busy but stop living under the rock and get to know what's happening around you. He's one of the hottest bachelors in Seoul along with his 6 other friends. You hit a jackpot!"

"That doesn't change the fact that he's a stranger and I'm not going to live with a stranger."

"I don't mind if he's hot," Jihyo chuckled. "On top of that, you guys will get to know each other soon. He's not going to be a stranger anymore. What are you worrying about?"

Tae Hee rolled her eyes. "Okay fine but I'm not going to live with someone I don't love."

"Are you sure you are not going to fall in love with him?" Jihyo squinted her eyes.

Tae Hee put down her chopstick on the table and rubbed her temple. "It's a waste of time to fall in love with someone that's out of my league. Jeon Jungkook and I are from a different world. Note that he's not my real fiancé and I don't know if I can live as someone else. It's suffocating."

Tae Hee had been lying to everyone that she knew about her family. She told them that her parents were dead and that she's living with her relative family. Tae Hee was not telling a lie about her father being dead but her mother is still alive. She doesn't want anyone to know that her mother is in a psychiatric hospital. She doesn't have any other relative beside her mother.

Tae Hee had enough about people talking behind her back and badmouthing her mother for not being mentally stable. That's the reason she doesn't have any friends back in her hometown. She worked hard to get the scholar to start a new life in a city where no one knows about her.

Her university life was great even though Jihyo happened to know about her mother. Jihyo's mother is a doctor who sometimes do a voluntary health check-up at the hospital where Tae Hee mother is. On the day Jihyo's mother was scheduled to do her monthly voluntary health check-up, she saw Tae Hee at the hospital and that's when she found out about her mother. Tae Hee thought Jihyo is going to ditch her after knowing that she lied about her family but to her surprise, Jihyo didn't. That's when they started to become closer and Tae Hee never felt grateful enough to have a friend in her life.

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