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To say that he was shocked was an understatement because he was feeling beyond that. The small boy in front of him just called him dada out of nowhere.

Jungkook's eyes were as big as saucers and his mouth was ajar, unable to utter a single word in reply. His mind was running wild at the possibility that he had impregnated Tae Hee.

We did it once but I'm pretty sure I used a condom that night. Did it leak? Or did I actually not wear any protection? No, I'm sure I did but how this boy....

Jungkook stared at Hyunwoo, trying to find any resemblance between them. Hyunwoo giggled and flapped his hands.

His nose does look like mine a bit.

"Did you just call me 'dada'?" Jungkook asked Hyunwoo. His heart almost leaps at the possibility that Hyunwoo is his son with her.

"Dada!" Hyunwoo said in excitement and his small finger was pointing at something behind Jungkook. The little boy flapped his hands in excitement. "Dada!" he repeated.

"Oh Hyunwoo! Did you finally call me daddy?" A man's voice startled Jungkook and he whipped his head around to look at the owner of the voice; it was Sehun. He turned to face Hyunwoo again and he realised that Hyunwoo was actually pointing at Sehun. Earlier, he might have seen his father walk past the restaurant from the big window.

So, he actually saw his father and here I am thinking that he's actually my son. He was disappointed that his one chance of getting back with Tae Hee disappeared, again.

"Oh, we met before at Incheon Airport? Jungkook, am I right?" Sehun said. Hyunwoo reached his hands towards Sehun, wanting his father to carry him and Sehun took him from Jungkook.

Jungkook watched as Sehun gave Hyunwoo a peck on his forehead and booped his nose. He's someone's son and not yours. Stop dreaming. Jungkook smiled at Sehun and replied, "Yup, I'm Jungkook and we met before at the airport."

He then glanced at Tae Hee who was approaching them and stood beside Sehun. "I thought you said you couldn't come," she said to him.

"The delivery people couldn't come today so I went straight to see Jiwoo before I came here," Sehun replied. He glanced at Jungkook and Tae Hee back and forth. "Did you guys know each other?" he asked when he noticed that Hyunwoo's stroller was beside the table and there were two servings of food on the table.

Tae Hee bit her lower lips as she forgot that Sehun didn't know who Jungkook was and neither Jungkook knew about Sehun. Great, this is awkward. How am I supposed to introduce them to each other? They fell into an awkward silence.

"Well, he's uh...Jungkook, my...." Tae Hee stammered. Boyfriend? No. Ex-boyfriend? That sounds weird because I don't think that's the right thing to say after what I'd done to him and he's someone's fiance - or maybe they already got married.

"We're friends," Jungkook cut in and carved a smile that quite didn't reach his ears. "I didn't know that I would see her again here. It's been long since we met each other so we had a quick chat over a meal."

Tae Hee sighed inwardly and made a quick glance at Sehun. The latter trailed his eyes from Jungkook to Tae Hee; his face was void from any expression and Tae Hee couldn't predict what he's feeling. Is he mad at me?

Sehun stared at Tae Hee for a few seconds and that few seconds felt like an eternity for Tae Hee. She wished that she could hide from both men.

Sehun turned to face Jungkook and wrapped his arms around Tae Hee's waist. His lips twitched into a smile. "Well, pardon me, I didn't know that you're my wife's friend. I would have invited you for some tea at our house if I knew. Would you like to come over? I think Hyunwoo takes a liking to you too; he seems to be comfortable around you."

Masquerade // Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now