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Tae Hee was staring at her phone screen for a whole minute as she couldn't believe what she had seen. She continued reading it a few times and sometimes pinching her cheek to check whether she's dreaming.

'Let's go for dinner tonight. I'll pick you up after work at your office.'

-Jeon Jungkook-

It's not that she hates the idea of going for dinner with Jungkook but she was surprised that he asked her first. Why? Is it because he said he wanted to get along as a friend? Yeah, that makes much more sense. I'm not Mina – I don't radiate the same aura as her so it doesn't make sense he would he fall for me. Despite having the thought, it doesn't stop her from smiling widely.

"What are you smiling at?" A voice interrupted her train of thoughts. Tae Hee's eyes shot up to found two women staring at her with a smirk etched on their face. They were her new friends that she made a week ago, Jia and Eunji. She met them at the same sandwich shop that she met Jimin and Taehyung. They work in the same company but Jia and Eunji are from the Production Department.

"Nothing! What are we going to eat today?" Tae Hee quickly kept her phone in her small pouch that she always carries when she goes for lunch. They decided to eat at the company's cafeteria today.

"You are acting suspicious Mina." Jia squinted her eyes at Tae Hee as she took a seat opposite her while Eunji sat beside Jia. "Your smile tells me something."

"Maybe she got herself a boyfriend," Eunji added and a sly smile formed on her face.

"Oh My God! Is it true?!" Jia cupped her mouth with her hands and her eyes grew wider. "Did you and Seonghwa are finally together?" she shrieked.

"Jia!" Tae Hee shushed her before she attracts the attention of other people. "People can hear you!" She whispered but audible enough for her two friends to hear her.

"Oops! Sorry," Jia grinned. She leaned forward and asked again "So are you and Seonghwa-"

"No!" Tae Hee denied. "I told you we're only friends."

Jia's grin turned lopsided. "Too bad. I would die to see both of you together." She leaned back on her seat and sighed.

"So who is it?" Eunji wriggled her eyebrows. "I'm 100% sure it's a guy. Don't tell me otherwise because I won't take that as an answer."

"He's-" Tae Hee scratched the back of her neck. She never told them about Jungkook. "Someone I knew." Tae Hee left the fiancé part.

"That someone must be special for you to be grinning like an idiot," Eunji chuckled.

"Did I?" Tae Hee's face started to turn red. She didn't realise she'd been smiling that way and the fact that her friends witnessed that was enough to make her wanted to hide in a rabbit hole. Someone special. It never crosses her mind.

"Yes, you did. I'm still sad it's not Seonghwa." Jia pouted.

"Okay, enough. Let's get our lunch." Tae Hee stood up quickly as she couldn't hide her embarrassment. She strode towards the counter, leaving her two friends laughing at her as they watched Tae Hee from behind.


Jungkook was leaning against his black Lamborghini with both his hands in his pockets while waiting for Tae Hee to come. He parked his car a few metres away from Lee Corporation's building since Tae Hee said she didn't want her colleague to see them together. He didn't know why but it doesn't bother him so he just did as she requested.

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