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Tae Hee's eyes slowly fluttered open and she groaned as she could feel a shot of pain behind her head. She tried to move her hands and realised that she was being tied to a chair. Panic washed over upon realisation that she was at an unfamiliar place.

Tae Hee looked around and saw no one. The room that she was in seems to be abandoned and it was dimly lit.

"Help!" she screamed as she tried to released her hands but the rope was tied tightly around her body, wrists and ankles, limiting her movement. Tae Hee couldn't find anything but dust around her. Her body started to tremble and sweating. Tears threatened to fall on her cheek. "No Tae Hee, you're not going to die here. Find a way to get out." Her eyes scanned around the room in a second attempt to find any tools that can help her to cut the rope.

Suddenly, the door in front of her swung opened, causing her to flinch a bit. Her eyes shot up and saw two men walked inside.

"Oh, little miss already woke up." One of the men with a bald head and buff body said.

"Should we call Mr. Kim?" The other man with a brown curly hair asked.

"Maybe we should have a little fun with her first," the bald man replied with an evil smirk etched on his face.

Tae Hee trembled in fear when both men came near her. Tears cascaded on her cheek and her lips quivered. "I – I will shout if you come near me!"

"Try us." The curly hair man said. "We will not hesitate to hurt you if you do so."

Without hesitation, Tae Hee shouted as loud as she can. "HELP!"

"Shit!" The bald man quickly covered her mouth, didn't expect her to be this brave. Tae Hee bit his hand and the man yelped in pain. "Fuck!" He let go of her and he was fuming with anger. "This bitch need a lesson!" He slapped her cheek.

"We're trying to be nice but you're making us angry!" The curly hair man grabbed her collar. Tae Hee coughed when he grabbed harder, causing her hard to breath. The man smirk at her. He let go of her and another slap landed on her cheek. She could feel the taste of copper inside her mouth.

"You should be thankful that we didn't kill you." The bald man kicked her chair and she fell sideway.

Tae Hee winced in pain when her side body hit the floor. The two men stepped closer to her but halted when a voice shouted from the direction of the door.

"What the hell are you guys doing!" Hongjoong scolded. He walked inside with another three men trailing from behind. "I told you to check on her and not hurt her!" He pushed both men aside and picked Tae Hee up.

Tae Hee glared at Hongjoong. "Are you already planning to kill me here?" she seethed.

Hongjoong chuckled. "You would already be dead if that's my plan." He crouched in front of her. "Seonghwa would not be happy if he sees you like this. I wonder what will he do?" Hongjoong caressed her cheek. "I think he will kill me," he chortled.

"Don't touch me!" Tae Hee snarled and she tried to wriggle her hands out of the rope but it was a fruitless attempt; it caused her wrists to scratch and bleed a bit.

"Sir, we brought him here." A man appeared at a door.

Hongjoong turned his head around and said, "Bring him in."

The man nodded and signalled the other two men outside of the room to come in. Tae Hee looked at the door and her eyes widen upon seeing Seonghwa. His lips had a bruise and the two men who were holding him pushed him inside and he fell on his knees.

"Seonghwa!" Tae Hee called him.

Seonghwa looked up slowly and Tae Hee noticed that not only his lips had a bruise, some parts of his face had it too. She's sure they punched him before they brought him in. 

Masquerade // Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now