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The sound of the phone ringing was disturbing Jungkook's sleep as he covered his ears with his hands. He groaned when it won't stop rang and the woman who was sleeping beside him mumbled a complain.

Jungkook lazily reached his hand for his phone which was on the bedside table besides him. He punched the answer button without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello." His voice was groggy – more to annoy since the caller was disturbing his sleep – and his eyes was still shut closed.

"Where are you?"

"Jimin? What the hell do you want calling me early in the morning?" He frowned upon hearing Jimin's voice.

"First of all, it's not early in the morning, it's almost 11 o'clock and secondly, you need to-" Jimin stopped when he heard a woman's voice on the other line.

"Who's that?" The woman was half awake when she asked Jungkook. She scooted closer towards Jungkook and rested her head on his exposed chest.

"Did you sleep with another woman?" Jimin asked.

"Yeah," Jungkook answered nonchalantly. "Why did you call me?"

Jimin sighed. "Jihyo told me Mina is in the hospital. Someone kidnapped her last night and she got hurt."

"What?!" Jungkook instantly sat up and he pushed the woman aside. "Did she got hurt badly? How is she? Which hospital is it?" He shot multiple questions as he climbed out of the bed and reached for his clothes on the floor.

"Where are you going?" The woman asked but Jungkook ignored her and continued wearing his clothes.

Jungkook ran towards his car as soon as Jimin told him which hospital she's admitted. He didn't even care whether he buttoned his shirt correctly or if he's wearing his socks. All he could think of was getting to the hospital as quick as he can.

It ached his heart when he knew Tae Hee got hurt. The fact that other man was the one who saved her was making him felt useless. It angered him that he's not the one who protect her – he's thankful yet at the same time he hated that the man was Seonghwa. Jungkook wanted to be the one who she could rely on.

Jungkook sprinted towards the lobby after he parked his car at the parking lot.

"Shit, I forgot to ask Jimin which room is it."

He approached the receptionist. "Which room Lee Mina is?" he panted.

"She's in VIP wing, in room 405," the receptionist answered after he keyed in Mina's name.


"Tae, are you sure you're okay?" Jihyo asked when Tae Hee refused to be admitted into a ward. She sprained her ankle and her head was knocked to the point that it need to get some stitches. "Why don't you just stay here for a few days? I'm going to Namwon tomorrow and stay there for a week. Who's going to look after you?"

"Jihyo, I'm fine by my own. You know I'm good at taking care of myself." Tae Hee reassured.

"Said someone who was kidnapped a few hours ago." Jihyo rolled her eyes. "How did they kidnap you? Did Hongjoong know where you live?"

Tae Hee shrugged. "I guess. I can't remember how did it happen. I was walking at the nearby park when someone knocked me from behind and I passed out instantly."

"He must be stalking you for a while." Jihyo sighed as she looked at Tae Hee. She was worried dead when she found out that Tae Hee told her she's in a hospital.

Tae Hee chuckled at her friend. "It's not going to happen again. He's...dead." She remembered Hongjoong's last moment before he took his own life. Instead of feeling happy that the man she hated and scared the most died, Tae Hee felt sad.

Masquerade // Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now