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Tae Hee was staring blankly at herself in the mirror as the stylist curled her hair with the iron curl. They had done touching up her face with light makeup. The soft pink lipstick accentuating the natural colour of her lips.

She didn't say anything from the moment she stepped into the dressing room. The stylists that dolled her up didn't even mutter any words either. They just do their job quietly, afraid that they might press on the wrong button if they say anything.

It's not that she's in a bad mood but she's starting to get tired of everything that happened. She didn't want to think anymore and finish her job quickly so that she can start anew. Tae Hee was aware it might be hard for her to forget about Jungkook because he's her first love.

He's the first man besides her late father that made her feel alive and loved.

For the first time in her life, she felt like she could forget everything and smile genuinely. Jungkook made her feel all sorts of feelings that she never thought she would experience it; though now she had to let him go.

Tears started to brim in her eyes but she held it in because she didn't want to ruin the makeup. This will be your last task, Tae Hee.

"My father will be holding a dinner party with the shareholders and his friends. I won't attend the party because you know I don't like those kinds of parties. Jungkook will be there. I'll give you one more chance to spend your time with him because this will be your last task," Mina said as she sipped on her tea and crossed her legs.

Both Mina and Tae Hee were sitting in the small garden inside the mansion. It was the first time both women showed up at the same time inside the mansion. All their maids were amazed to witness the similarity of their features; they can't differentiate which one was their true miss of the house.

Tae Hee was staring at the untouched tea cup in front her. She knew the time would come but she didn't expect that her heart would feel this heavy. It never crossed her mind that she would fall hard on Jungkook.

"My parents want to hold the wedding as soon as possible. I think Jeon's family wouldn't like it if we keep on avoiding it. I need some time to get used to Jungkook since by right I should already know him very well," Mina added. "The dinner party would be the last. Spend as much time as you want with him," she smirked.

A sigh left her lips as she recalled her last conversation with Mina. The knock on the door jolted her back to present.

Seonghwa peeked his head inside before he entered the room. "Are you done?"

"I think so. It seems like they already did my hair and makeup. How's my dress?" Tae Hee stood up and twirled around. She knew Seonghwa knew about this but she didn't want to look somber in front of him; Tae Hee didn't want to worry him more.

Seonghwa smiled meekly at her. He signalled everyone to give them some privacy and they bowed slightly before they hastened out of the room.

"What's wrong?" she asked when Seonghwa's smile was replaced with a serious expression.

"You can let out your feelings now," he said. "The party won't start until 8. You have like 30 minutes."

Tae Hee stared at him for a few seconds before she chuckled. "I can't ruin my makeup. They worked hard for this." She sat on one of the mahogany sofas and took a bite of the butter cookies that were served on the table in front of it.

"And I don't want to ruin the mood. It will be my last moments with him. I might as well enjoy it with all my hearts. I don't know if I will meet him again. Well, I don't think I can," she added as she munched the butter cookies. "I want to remain as one of his happy memories even if he didn't know who I am."

Masquerade // Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now