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Jungkook was sipping on his cup of hot Earl Grey Tea at a cafe while waiting for his two friends to come. He didn't care about all the attention that he got from girls in the café as his mind was filled with the events that happened in the hospital 2 days ago.

He couldn't stop thinking about what Mina had told him and at the same time he's curious about the woman that was with Seonghwa – he didn't know why but something inside him saying that he had seen her somewhere. Why did I care about that woman? He's yet to figure out the answer to that question.

"I told you he had a problem." Jimin's voice snapped Jungkook out of his train of thoughts. He glanced up to find his two friends took a seat in front of him.

"Girl's issue?" Taehyung asked as soon as he was seated and plopped his elbow on the table. When Jungkook didn't answer him, he added, "I think it's a girl's issue."

"More accurate, it's about Mina." Jimin trained his eyes on Jungkook. "What's up this time?" He winked at a waitress that served their drinks and she smiled shyly at him before she bowed and left them.

Jungkook sighed and took another sip of his tea. "She told me she likes someone."

"That someone must be her secretary," Jimin said.

"I think so. She didn't tell me."

"Are you bothered by it? You said she's just for a business matter," Taehyung asked.

"I..." Jungkook paused. "I don't know. I shouldn't be bothered by it but it kept on bugging me but the thing is she-" Jungkook was reminded of the feeling when he first saw Mina in the ward. "She felt different."

"Huh?" Jimin raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean by that?"

"It's like I'm talking with a different person."

"You mean she has a twin?" Taehyung asked with a quizzical look. "Does Lee's family have a hidden daughter? Never heard of that before." He rubbed his chin.

"I don't know but it can't be that she has a twin, right? Why would they hide the other pair then? Wait-" Jungkook tilted his head and creased his forehead as the image of Tae Hee's back resurfaced. "No, it can't be."

"What is it?" Jimin queried when Jungkook seemed to be mumbling something that he and Taehyung couldn't understand.

Jungkook shifted his attention towards his two friends. "I saw a woman at a hospital when I visited Mina. I only saw her back but she felt oddly familiar to me – it's like she's Mina."

Jimin and Taehyung frowned and they both looked at each other before they turned to look at Jungkook again. They didn't know if their friend was in his right mind or he just sobered up – probably he drank again last night.

"Jeon Jungkook," Jimin called him.

"We think you're madly in love with her." Taehyung chuckled.

"You told me you drank the night before. Probably you're not fully sober at that moment and you kept on seeing her everywhere." Jimin snorted.


"How can there be two Lee Mina? That's impossible unless she has a twin but she doesn't. You're imagining things. You might be confused with your own feelings towards her. It's okay, take your time to resolve it." Jimin reached out to tap Jungkook's shoulder.

"But she has someone she likes," Taehyung added.

"Oh, come on! She will be yours soon so make her like you!" Jimin smirked at Jungkook.


"Jimin is right. Make her swoon over you. I bet she's still not together with the guy that she likes." Taehyung cut him and gave him his boxy smile.

Masquerade // Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now